Reed, Erika - Tabitha's Blue-Eyed Storm (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Read Online Reed, Erika - Tabitha's Blue-Eyed Storm (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Erika Reed - Free Book Online

Book: Reed, Erika - Tabitha's Blue-Eyed Storm (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Erika Reed Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erika Reed
stalls. The cows were funny to her. They wagged their tails and mooed their little hearts out while she was with them. Emma stayed by her side the whole time as she worked around the barn. The men kept her inside the barn so she didn’t have to endure the cold outside.
    “You’re picking things up quickly for a city girl.” Tanner winked at her.
    “I love working with animals. I used to work part time at the animal shelter when I was younger. My mom was allergic to pets, so I couldn’t have any growing up. Then when I moved out on my own, I had a roommate that hated cats and dogs. So I never had any pets of my own.”
    “Well, it seems they like you very much as Emma here hasn’t left your side since you’ve been with us.” Evan scratched Emma behind her ears.
    Tabitha went to the barn doors and just stared out over the pasture. Evan came up behind her and laid his hands on her shoulders.
    “What’s wrong, honey?”
    Tabitha couldn’t tell him what she really thought, that this was just a dream and she was afraid to wake up. “I’m just wondering what this place looks like in the spring and summer. I bet it beautiful!”
    “Not another place I would rather be on earth. We never take things for granted. We always live life to the fullest. We just need one thing in life to complete Tanner and me forever.”
    She knew they wanted a wife, so she didn’t ask any more questions.
    They went back to finishing up their chores before lunch.
    They sat down at the table together eating their sandwiches in silence. Tabitha knew what they all wanted from her, but could she really commit to them? She was scared. Tabitha took many chances in life. She had quit her job to move out of state to try a new one.
    It seemed she was always taking risks with her life. What if things didn’t work out with these men? What if she wasn’t what they really wanted? Tabitha didn’t think she could take the heartache of losing these men if their living arrangement didn’t work out. Tabitha had felt like a failure all her life. She didn’t know what her purpose in life was anymore. Should she take a chance with Tanner and Evan? Tabitha wanted them so badly. Tanner and Evan had told her their intentions. Why couldn’t she believe them?

    * * * *

    Evan stared at Tabitha. She seemed to be lost in thought. He had fallen in love with this beautiful woman. They both had. They had made love to her, laughed with one another. She even enjoyed the ranch life they led. But she still didn’t seem convinced how much they wanted and needed her in their lives.
    Tanner jarred him out of his thought just then. “Honey, what’s got you all starry-eyed there in thought?”
    “I was just thinking how grateful I am to you both and how wonderful the two of you make me feel.”
    Tanner was worried about her. Was she having second thoughts about them? They showed her constantly how much they adored her and how much she meant to him and Evan. He was in love with her, and he didn’t want any other woman to share their bed ever again, except Tabitha.
    Later that day the three of them made their way back to the cabin. Then the phone on the counter rang, and they all just stared at it as if it was a rattlesnake. Evan got up off the couch and answered it.
    “Hello. Hi, Steve…” Evan listened to what Steve had to say. “Okay, I will let her know. Thank you for calling. I will talk to you soon.” He hung up and turned around. “Well, Steve came out here already and picked up the car. He said he could have it ready by the end of the day. It was the spark plug that had gotten loose.”
    “Oh, well, I guess that’s good news. I will be on my way soon and out of your hair before you know it.” Tabitha nervously smiled at them. This was it. Tabitha’s car was ready for her, and she would be on her way.
    The three of them just sat there quietly and looked at one another, not knowing what to say. They cleaned up the lunch dishes and made their way outside to

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