Redemption: Supernatural Time-Traveling Romance with Sci-fi and Metaphysics

Read Online Redemption: Supernatural Time-Traveling Romance with Sci-fi and Metaphysics by Jacklyn A. Lo - Free Book Online

Book: Redemption: Supernatural Time-Traveling Romance with Sci-fi and Metaphysics by Jacklyn A. Lo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jacklyn A. Lo
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high-pitched moan, escapes from Mi as she recognizes the man
lying before her. It is Lu. He looks at peace, as though he might wake at any
moment, but Mi knows that he is dead.
    Thrusting Wu into Ka’s hands, she
drops to her knees and grips Lu’s body, shaking him in an attempt to rouse him,
but his head hangs limp and lifeless and his body feels cold to her touch. Mi hears
the sound of someone shouting and realizes it is her. Not knowing what she is
doing Mi gets up again, staring round at the crowd without really seeing them.
She turns, then, and runs, heading nowhere, just running as the tears stream
down her face and her world crumbles around her. Eventually finding herself in
the seclusion of the forest, she drops to the ground.
    No Lu, she thinks, sobbing bitterly. No Lu… no life! How Lu dead? In her
mind, she sees Zo standing there, holding her man in his arms, a look of
triumph and hunger in his eyes. Zo! At the thought her heart seems to freeze for a moment. Zo kill Lu. Zo take my man. And then she realizes what must surely
happen now. Zo take me!
    Haunted by these dark thoughts,
her sobbing continues until, weary and empty, she falls asleep.
    The screech of a night bird,
sounding much like a child’s scream, wakes her and she looks around the
    “Where this?” she says, but there
is no reply. The only sound comes from the forest creatures moving in the
night. “This forest! How here? How…” but then the horror of her situation comes
flooding back. “Lu,” she moans, hugging her legs for comfort and to ward off
the chill air. “Lu.”
    The night bird cries again, and
it reminds her slightly of Wu’s cries. Wu, she thinks, jumping to her feet. Wu need
milk! Where home? She looks around the darkness, straining her ears,
listening for any familiar sounds. Suddenly she catches a faint chanting behind
her in the distance. Heading in that direction she emerges from the trees and,
in the light from the Sky God, she can make out movement around the caves. She
runs then, keeping low and fast, the tiredness of her legs forgotten in her
desire to get back to Wu.
    What this? Mi wonders as she
approaches the caves to see the tribe gathered together dancing in the
moonlight. Dance? Why dance? And then
she realizes that the tribe is performing a ritual for the God of Death. Death dance for Lu. The faces of the
people are sad, and as they dance Bak chants in a deep voice. As she watches,
the pain in her heart grows. Mi had hoped it was all a mistake, that Lu wasn’t
really dead, but now she cannot escape the truth.
    Lu dead. My Lu gone. She feels the
tears welling up again and her body shaking with grief. Lu not see Wu. Lu not chief… Lu gone. How dead, she wonders again . . . How Lu dead?
    Turning away from the dancers, Mi
hurries to the cave where she knows his body has been placed. She doesn’t have
much time. The others will be here soon to take him away to the special place
of the dead, and she needs to find out how he died. Lu’s body has been laid on a mat made from woven branches. Hurrying
over, she falls to her knees and starts kissing him, holding his body close as
the tears begin to flow again. At last, as she grows calm again, Mi sits back
and searches for a wound. It does not take long to find what she is looking
for. As she checks the back of his head, she discovers two deeps cuts, cuts
which might at first appear to be made by some wild beast, but as she touches
them Mi is certain they are the marks of an ax. Only a man could have done
this, and there was only one man it
could be. Though it brings Mi no comfort to be right, her suspicions are
    Zo kill my Lu! A mixture of rage and
fear boiled inside her and she clenches her fists. “Zo!” she says, spitting the
word through gritted teeth.
    “Mi,” says a voice behind her and
she spins round to see Zo standing outside the cave, staring fixedly at her. As
he catches Mi’s eye, he smiles at her, not a friendly or comforting

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