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Book: Redemption by Kathryn Barrett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathryn Barrett
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stakes so high, much higher than he knew, she couldn’t afford to raise his suspicions further.
    But maybe she could salvage a guarantee.
    She tilted her chin, giving him a calculating look. “I don’t want the press anywhere near while you’re filming. We’ve just gone through a rather unpleasant buyout here, aside from the fact that I would prefer for personal reasons to remain…anonymous.”
    “No problem. I was planning on having a closed set anyway.”
    “And everything else we discussed?”
    He raised his hand, as if swearing. “Every last ‘i’ dotted.”
    “And you’ll keep absolutely quiet about…our past relationship? I mean you’ll tell no one, not your best friend, your mother, your girlfriend—”
    He gave her a sheepish look, then admitted, “I was bluffing earlier about calling your boss. Your secret’s safe with me. Although I still think we ought to…” He paused but then apparently decided to ignore any impulse to dig deeper. “I’m not going to blow your cover. You’ve got my word on that.”
    She believed him, though she couldn’t fathom why. There was just such an honesty about him, a non-negotiable code of ethics, and when she remembered that she was the one on shaky ethical ground, she blinked.
    “You keep your end of the deal, and I’ll have the contracts signed today.”
    “Great. I’d like to get inside tonight, after the place closes. Look around, set up shots.”
    She only had to think a moment before agreeing to the request. The sooner he got out of town, the sooner she could breathe easy. “I’ll make sure there’s someone to let you in. I take it there’s no more need for secrecy?”
    “Actually, as long as you can keep this to yourself, I’d appreciate it. As soon as word gets out I’m involved in this project…” He shrugged. “All hell tends to break loose. You know how it is.”
    Unfortunately, she knew all too well. She agreed, then rose from her desk to escort him from the room. As he passed her secretary’s desk, she called out from the doorway. “Matt.”
    He stopped, his hand on the door.
    “I…I just wanted to say…this is probably a little late,” she said, settling her gaze somewhere in the vicinity of his knees. “But I just wanted you to know…I’m sorry. About Hayley. I read that she was…pregnant when she died.”
    “You didn’t have to read it. She made it pretty clear just before—” He stopped, a bleak look shadowing his face. “Remember? You were there too.”
    When he was gone, Claire stood frozen by the door. Then she whispered to no one: “No, really, Matt, I don’t remember.”

Chapter Five
    From the Philadelphia Inquirer
    Rocky VI ? No, this sweat-suited celebrity is Matt Grayson, star of the just released Jungle Fever . Grayson, in town to film his latest picture, Lyin’ Hearts , was spotted jogging along Wissahickon Creek.
    Lyin’ Hearts , a romantic comedy co-starring Laura Hayes, will be filmed in and around certain Philadelphia landmarks, including Kaslow’s Department Store, which reportedly will pocket a share of the profits.
    A Kaslow’s spokeswoman declined to comment on the rumor.
    C LAIRE L OOKED A ROUND T HE C ONFERENCE T ABLE , noting the attentive demeanor of the other board members. It was the first board meeting of the new year, and finally, she felt she’d been accepted as a real member of the team, not just a watchdog for the Forrest Group.
    She had counted only one yawn, one surreptitious glance at a watch, and one nervous fidget since she began speaking. She settled her gaze on Bernard Kaslow at the head of the table and directed her remaining comments to him.
    “If we want to capture the shopper’s attention, we have to offer exclusivity. They can always get similar products at a lower price from the discounter selling out of a concrete box. But if they want a shopping experience that includes our own unique amenities—concierge service, designer chocolate kiosks, free alterations,

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