
Read Online Redemption by Jambrea Jo Jones - Free Book Online

Book: Redemption by Jambrea Jo Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jambrea Jo Jones
    Ive couldn’t even answer him with words. She nodded against his shoulder.
    “Shh—” Dji continued to keep her next to him and whispered nonsense words into her ear, bringing her slowly back down.
    When she could finally speak again, she had questions.
    “You didn’t—um—why didn’t you bite me?”
    Ive turned so she could look at him. She didn’t want to ruin the moment, but she had to know. For months, hell, closer to years she’d dreamed of having her mate bond with her.
    “It’s too soon. What if I’m not whole? I don’t want to leave you marked and alone if I have to leave. You deserve better.”
    “Shouldn’t I be in on that decision? It’s my life too.” Ive sat up and crossed her arms over her breast.
    “Ive—if something goes wrong I might have to be put down. If we don’t mate there’s a chance you could find someone else.”
    “I don’t want anyone else.” Ive glared at Dji.
    “Things change. Just give me a couple weeks to adjust and if I don’t have any residual signs of Dmitri we’ll mate fully. For now—let me give you this.” Dji pulled her to him and kissed her.
    She couldn’t help herself, she melted into the kiss, her mouth opening to allow Dji’s tongue entrance. Tomorrow would have to be soon enough to fight for him. She knew in her heart that Dmitri was well and truly gone. The change in Dji was visible. Maybe she’d give him the week he wanted, but they didn’t call her the Ice Queen for nothing. She was going to have her way and he would be hers. They belonged together and he deserved to be happy after the hell he’d been put through for centuries.
    “I love the way you taste,” Dji murmured against her lips.
    They were breathing the same air. It was just as intimate as having a part of him so deep inside her she’d feel it for days.
    “This doesn’t let you off the hook.” Ive stared deep into his eyes and they continued to sit there with their foreheads pressed together, gazing at each other.
    “Fair enough. I don’t know about you, but I’m tired and we have a meeting in the morning.” Dji fought with the tangled blankets, then slid beneath them.
    Ive followed suit. The travel and the phenomenal sex had taken it out of her. She didn’t even really want to argue. Those who knew her would be shocked that she’d let it go, and she curled around Dji with her head on his chest, listening to the steady thump of his heart.

Chapter Nine
    Dji looked around the room filled with strangers. The memories from Dmitri still resided in his head and some of these people looked familiar but he didn’t really know them. Zareb and his mate Joy walked into the room and all eyes seemed to be drawn to them. Joy was flushed a pretty red. She had nothing to be embarrassed about. Ive had almost made them late with her shower. She loved the water and he was finding a new respect for it.
    Once Zareb and Joy had settled onto a couch with another couple, the pack leader Russ spoke.
    “Now that we are all here we can begin.” Russ grinned in Zareb’s direction. “For the record I would like to state that I am the alpha here. I know there were some questions before the group of you went to Africa, but I’m in charge. There may be members in here stronger than I am in the magic realm, but that doesn’t make me weak.”
    Dji wasn’t sure what Russ was speaking about. The leader didn’t look weak to him. He exuded power and calm. Dji would follow Russ. Zareb seemed to have much faith in the wolf.
    “It is how it should be. As I have stated before, the alpha should not have a guardian’s power. Too much, and it could corrupt the best of us.” Zareb spoke and Dji couldn’t agree more.
    There was no way he’d want to be the leader. Look what had happened to him—a strong alpha wouldn’t have let himself be possessed. Just another of his failures.
    “Well put, Zareb. I also want to reassure everyone on Djimon’s presence.

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