Red Angel: Book II: Raiders (Red Angel Series 2)

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Book: Red Angel: Book II: Raiders (Red Angel Series 2) by C. R. Daems Read Free Book Online
Authors: C. R. Daems
She walked to the side of the bed, took my free hand in hers, and laid her head next to mine.
    "Mother, why are you here?" I asked reflexively, feeling guilty as I did.
    "I’m here because the love of my life was fighting for her life."
    "Thank you, Mother. I guess I was a bit reckless." I hated that I had caused her to worry.
    "Yes, I would like to scream at you and send you to your room, forever, but putting the safety of others above your own is one of the many things that make you special." Alexa gave me a weak smile. "I owe Chief Ransom big time."
    "I agree with your mother." MacLin moved closer to Alexa so I could see him without having to move. "And I also owe you big time. I've had a long talk with Doctor Renata, and I understand the potential disaster had I followed my instincts and sent marines to subdue the intruders. If you hadn’t invoked P1A authority, I doubt I would have listened to you. As it was, I almost ignored you anyway. Only that incident at Shadow's Rest made me decide to trust you."
    "Doctor Renata?"
    "Hi, Anna, you don't think I would let just anyone work on you and Red," Renata said as she stepped up next to Kris. "No one wants to operate on a red-headed krait. And before you ask, Red's fine. Both pellets missed his vertebrae."
    I noticed she had started calling him Red and using male pronouns. "Thank you for coming. Red and I appreciate it. We trust you. How long have I been ... here?"
    "Going on six days. Red complicated your treatment because he needs your blood, so we've had to be careful what we gave you. That’s why they called me."
    "Hi, Anna." Adrian sounded concerned. "Kris and I understand now why you felt you had to do it by yourself, but we have to work out a better solution, because we don't want to lose you." He moved next to Kris and patted my arm—very brave considering Red's head was lying on my shoulder. "We did some checking at the hospital were those Coaca patients were being treated. Apparently, someone came to the hospital and spread the rumor that a navy commander on the Vulcan had a red-headed krait that could cure the virus. So ten of the victims left the hospital, robbed a gun store, and attacked the navy shuttle on a supply run. They lost two at the gun store and three taking the shuttle, which is why only five made it to the Vulcan. Captain MacLin, Kris, and I believe it was the raiders’ first attempt at getting rid of us. They had no idea you would take them on alone, preventing the ship from being infected. It would have been a good plan if you had only cooperated." He laughed and leaned closer—maybe Kris's experience with Red had emboldened him. "I almost choked when you invoked P1A authority and ordered MacLin around and again when he listened."
    I smiled. "As you've said in the past, 'Kris wants, so Kris gets.' I thought I would try 'Anna wants' ..." In fact, I hadn't thought, just acted. The thought of people dying because of me had driven my actions, not logic.
* * *
    I spent two more days in bed. MacLin assigned Alexa a room and she spent every waking moment with me. It was wonderful. The third day, I was released for light duty and that night MacLin asked Alexa and me to join him. When we arrived, we were directed to the captain's conference room, where everyone had assembled. Before anyone could say anything, Rawls’s aide appeared and called, "Attention" as Rawls and Stauffer entered.
    "At ease," Rawls said, coming over to stand next to me. "Sit, Anna. You don't look in condition to stand. "Everyone get something to drink, and we'll make this informal." She went to the opposite side of the table and sat as her aide placed a cup in front of her. "First, here's your forth Purple Heart medal. Admiral Lultrel told me to tell you she's ordering you not to get any more." Rawls looked and sounded far too serious.
    "Yes, ma'am, so noted," I responded, not sure what else to say.
    "She also sends her congratulations. You've been awarded the Navy Cross for your

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