Reclaiming Mystique (SpaceStalker Saga Book 2)

Read Online Reclaiming Mystique (SpaceStalker Saga Book 2) by Bevan Greer - Free Book Online

Book: Reclaiming Mystique (SpaceStalker Saga Book 2) by Bevan Greer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bevan Greer
Tags: science fiction romance
looked grim for a moment, dwelling on something Naria couldn’t see. Then his expression lightened. “Tell me something of your fascinating studies. Take my mind off this place.”
    Naria smiled back at him. Though her father was most likely gnashing his teeth at what he would consider a waste of time, Naria knew that this time spent with Jace would increase her chances of getting him to trust her. She just wished she knew how long that might take, or how much time her father would give her before he decided to take what he wanted from Jace, with or without Jace’s mind intact.
    As Jace listened to her talk about the history of Seven, he couldn’t stop watching her. Her full lips curved as she spoke enthusiastically about Seven’s dark cycle, sounding as though she were reading from a textbook. The more he listened, the more he thought she might actually be telling the truth about her origins.
    He’d wondered about their earlier meeting and had come to two conclusions. Either she was a Dark World spy sent in to glean more information from him, or Demise had inept demons working for him that had mistakenly thrown them into the same cell. Considering Demise had a cool control and immense mental powers, Jace figured on the former. But seeing her now, being with her, he found it hard to believe Naria might be in league with the demon lord.
    She looked unkempt but still smelled flowery, feminine. Her deep violet eyes looked tired, yet they sparkled as she talked about Seven. Without conscious thought, he looked from her face, down her throat and lower, lingering on the soft contour of her full breasts covered by the coarse black garment she wore.
    Nothing in her clothing should have aroused him, but imaginings of what she wore beneath it tugged at his pain-filled mind. His face felt aflame, his right cheek still throbbing from a thirst demon’s rock-like fist. He knew his ribs had been bruised, if not broken.
    Yet seeing Naria made his aches fade as a sensual hunger encompassed him. Something in his eyes must have alerted her to his need, because when she met his gaze, she faltered into silence.
    Unwilling to wait when Lord Demise could show anytime, Jace scooted his chair closer to her. She didn’t move, her eyes wide with curiosity but no hint of alarm.
    “Jace? Are you all right?”
    He cupped her cheek in his palm and drew in breath at the shock of connection.
    Her breath hissed out of her, so he wasn’t alone in feeling something more than a physical desire. She blushed becomingly, and the contrast of innocence and carnal allure shook him to the quick. He wanted her more than anyone or anything he’d ever wanted before.
    Ignoring inner warnings of caution, he bent his head and took a gentle kiss. She tasted like the sweetest berries, ripe and fresh for the taking. She didn’t move under his touch. Instead she sat still and watched him, her purple eyes wide, as if absorbing a new experience. Jace could feel the passion in her just under the surface, his psychic probe slipping beneath her barriers. Knowing she felt as he did encouraged him to deepen the kiss.
    He watched as she closed her eyes, and he followed suit. Her lips softened under his and a soft moan escaped her. The pain in his body faded as a fiery heat overwhelmed him. He stroked her lips with his tongue, amazed at how much he wanted her. When she parted her lips in a gasp, he slipped his tongue inside.
    She stilled, then returned his touch tentatively. The feel of her tongue on his stiffened him into a hard ball of need. Jace leaned into her, meaning to bring her closer when a sense of self-preservation stopped him.
    He leaned back and put some distance between them. Staring at her, he couldn’t help the strong arousal pooling in his body, but it was mixed with a strong sense that all was not as it should be in Naria. He could feel her sensual curiosity mixed with a need greater than sex. The guarded woman had projected her feelings, though he

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