Reckless Nights in Rome

Read Online Reckless Nights in Rome by C. C. MacKenzie - Free Book Online

Book: Reckless Nights in Rome by C. C. MacKenzie Read Free Book Online
Authors: C. C. MacKenzie
Tags: Romance
throat she said, “He’s harmless.”
    Those big eyes
stared into his and he couldn’t help it. With a soft murmur Nico
buried his face in her hair and inhaled her scent as he swept
feather light fingertips from her shoulders to the small
indentation above her buttocks. He took his time, enjoying the feel
of the silky, fragrant skin. Her sensitive shudder told him she
felt it too. The power of their attraction both thrilled and
dismayed him. What would it be like to explore her, he wondered,
how would she feel under him?
    Raising his
head, his heart took a stumble as those emerald eyes, drowsy now
with desire, stared into his. Bronte’s soft bottom lip quivered as
her breath hitched.
    Something was
happening and he was torn between the need to run and the need to
    “You have
amazingly soft skin.” His voice sounded rough to his own ears and
he cleared his throat. He wanted nothing more than to take her to
his suite and take his time making long, slow, love to her.
    Bronte realised she
needed to take a step back.
    The look in his
eyes was a heady mix of possession and predator. That mouth was
firm, tense even. The room spun, probably due to the fact she was
holding her breath. She inhaled in an attempt to kick-start her
    She enjoyed the
sensation of his hands on her skin and the tingling at the base of
her spine. She enjoyed her cheek pressing to his chest and the feel
of the strong beat of his heart. The trouble was she was enjoying
it too much. The heat and scent of his body made her mouth water.
The hot tugs in her belly and breasts were so seductive.
    However, she
was more than aware they were in the middle of a dance floor with
her friends and acquaintances surrounding them.
    Lifting her
cheek from his chest, she looked around. Sure enough, she spotted
her brother’s gimlet eye on them. He stood next to Rosie who
watched them, grinning like a fool.
    The music
changed to a fast number and she stepped back with a small smile of
    “I need a
    He led her from
the dance floor, his eyes narrow and thoughtful and she wished she
knew what he was thinking. His hand kept hold of hers, then he drew
her firmly to his side in a possessive gesture that had her brother
eye him sharply and Rosie’s eyebrows shoot into her hairline.
    Nico signalled
a waiter with a tray, who jumped to attention. He handed her a
glass of champagne.
    Bronte smiled
her thanks, excused herself and moved slowly around the room to
mingle with the wedding party.
    She needed the
time to pull herself together and had absolutely no idea what she
said to people. Her entire focus was on Nico, where he was and who
he spoke to. Every second she was aware of his dark eyes tracking
her every move.
    She smiled,
chatted and kissed the bride and groom. The bride’s mother was a
little worse for wear and ordered her husband to dance with
Cavendish, an old friend of her late father, led her to the dance
    “You look
lovely this evening, my dear.” His gravelly voice sounded happy and
relaxed now his speech was over. He told her he hadn’t slept for
weeks worrying about it. With a flourish that made her laugh, he
twirled her around in an energetic waltz. “Your parents would be
proud to see what you and Alexander have achieved, damn proud.”
    She smiled
mistily up into his rugged face.
    “They would
have just loved this, wouldn’t they?”
    A weight lifted
from her shoulders. Life moved on. Ludlow Hall would never be the
same, but Peter was right, her parents would have been proud.
he replied.
    With a quick
peck on her cheek, he handed her to Alexander, who led her to the
    “What would you
like?” He ordered a mineral water for himself and turned to her.
His green eyes were filled with concern and she suppressed a
    “Make that
    Eyeing him over
the glass, Bronte braced herself for the lecture. She watched him
scan the room, his eyes narrowing when they settled on

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