Reapers, Inc. - Brigit's Cross

Read Online Reapers, Inc. - Brigit's Cross by B.L. Newport - Free Book Online

Book: Reapers, Inc. - Brigit's Cross by B.L. Newport Read Free Book Online
Authors: B.L. Newport
Tags: adventure, Romance, Gay, Ghosts, Lesbian, spirits, goth, Grim Reaper
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peace’ before passing them through the door .

    Brigit read the words carefully, letting them
sink in as she turned to the second page.

    Rule #2:A Reaper Shall Not Subscribe to Any
    As a Reaper, any ideology subscribed to
will not be tolerated. We are messengers for a power greater than
ourselves and we can not allow any one name or tenet to be placed
on that which is beyond our true understanding. All belief systems
must be shed and an open mind must be kept in carrying out the task
assigned to you. In the effort to reduce offence to those souls
still maintaining the belief they had during their mortal days, it
is in the best interest of the firm to not have any belief at all.
No matter the faith the assigned soul claimed to during their
mortal existence, the requirement to wish them ‘eternal peace’ must
be carried out before passing the soul through the door that is
their reward .

    Brigit could see the sense in that rule. It
would be an easy one to follow as she had never really subscribed
to any faith to begin with. She had always agreed that there was a
power out there greater than her self. It was just easier to accept
that notion than all the rules and regulations that no one, in her
opinion, seemed to follow anyway. Finally, she turned to the third

    Rule#3:A Reaper Shall Not Pass Their Own
    It is in strict accordance to this rule that
a Reaper must abide. Under no circumstances may a Reaper open the
door for one of their own blood or endearment. This includes:
wives, husbands, lovers, children, grandchildren,
great-grandchildren, nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles, grandparents,
parents or any relative that can be listed on a family tree. A
Reaper unrelated must be assigned the task of passing any relatives
to their reward. In the event that an unrelated Reaper is
unavailable, the task must be put on hold until such a time that it
can be completed by said unrelated Reaper. There will be no
exceptions to this rule – ever.

    Brigit reread the rule again as she felt a
spasm of fear begin to roil in her gut. She couldn’t fathom not
being present when Maggie’s time came. Surely there had to be an
exception – a loophole—somewhere. She looked up from the book in
her hands down the hall to the darkness where Maggie was sleeping.
If this particular rule was set in stone, Maggie would definitely
never know that Brigit had kept her promise. A panic began to rise
in Brigit’s gut. She had to find the loophole, no matter what the
consequences of it might be.
    Pushing her panic aside, Brigit turned the
page and continued reading.

    Traveling to the Reapee
    Once you have fully understood your role as a
Reaper, you will be allowed to begin completing your assignments as
they are assigned. Portfolios will be handed out at the beginning
of each work week. Under ideal conditions, the work load will be
evenly dispersed amongst all field agents for completion. Since
Death is a constant force in the mortal plane, there will always be
an assignment to be completed.
    The portfolio is the history of the soul that
is to be passed. In it, every second of their mortal existence will
be recorded. Read the portfolio carefully before traveling to the
Reapee. This will expedite the process of passage once you have
arrived at their locale.
    To travel to the Reapee, look to see where
they drew last breath. There, you will find them waiting their
fate. From the main office, simply state the location before
stepping outside. On the other side of the door will be the place
you have been assigned to complete your task. Main doorways maybe
used as portals to the next assignment to be completed or to return
to the main office at any given time. Any and all questions
regarding this topic should be directed to your mentor

    Slowly, she closed the book and returned it
to the table beside the chair. The rules were simple, if not
agreeable. Travel to assignments seemed easy to understand. There
were three more pages to

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