Read My Lips (A College Obsession Romance)

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Book: Read My Lips (A College Obsession Romance) by Daryl Banner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Daryl Banner
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sing up to his wary face.
    Clayton’s eyes narrow, as if I’m wounding him with my music. Yes, let me wound you with it, so that you might feel an ounce of the agony I’ve felt all week ever since I first laid eyes on you.
    As the musicians bring me into the final verse, I pause and bring a hand to that beer in his hand. It slips from his grip easily and I bring it to my lips, my eyes locked on his. I take a swig of it, then set it back on the table. My eyes wrinkle slightly in response; I hadn’t expected the beer to be so bitter. His eyes turn glassy and a hint of amusement twists his lips.
    It’s work to perch atop this throne … Oh god. That smirk of his is so sexy, I could ditch the song and plunge into him right now. This throne made of credit cards and silicone …
    I’m standing so close to Clayton now, I feel heat coming off of him. I’ve never felt so exposed, so free … Don’t dare give your heart, or you’ll fall right apart.
    I lick my lips as the guitarist strums and the pianist glides his long fingers. Right here in my palace of stone …
    He parts his lips, his face tightening, pained.
    My lips kiss the tip of the microphone as I push the last lyrics out. Yes, right here … in my palace of stone.
    The music concludes in a contemplative, resolving chord.
    Silence swallows the room.
    Clayton’s eyes.
    Me and a heavy microphone in my hand, growing heavier and heavier by the second.
    I’m met suddenly with the reality of what I just did. In front of everyone. The alcohol’s no longer a mask. I just sang the most personal song I’ve ever written to a room full of strangers.
    Clayton breathes.
    I can’t.
    What did I just do?
    Then there’s a shout of joy from the back, startling me, and then the rest of the room erupts into applause and cheering. I think I’m imagining it for a second, stunned by the reaction. Are they mocking me, or did I really do a decent job?
    When I look at Clayton again, I see a question in his eyes. Suddenly, nothing else matters. I got his attention, I tell myself. He knows who I am. He’s curious. I caught him. And in the midst of all my doubt, I feel like I’ve won some game I didn’t know I was playing. The game of cat and mouse. The crush game.
    “And that’s how you do it,” I say to him, grinning.
    He doesn’t respond.
    With a coy shrug, I waltz back to the stage, return the microphone to its stand, then give the room a little drunken curtsy before giggling and rushing back to my table, the room revived with the musician’s music and loud, chaotic chatter.
    “Oh my god ,” moans Victoria when I’ve returned to my seat. “What were you thinking??”
    “You can say I was inspired.” I giggle, eye-fucking Clayton through the smoke and banter. He looks so pissed off and sexy. “And now he knows who I am. Oh, how was the song?” I ask my friends.
    “You were amazing, obviously,” Victoria says.
    “Thanks!” I laugh, but when I return my gaze to Clayton, he’s abandoned his beer and is walking away.
    The joy’s lost in an instant. I bend to the side, curious, but only catch a glimpse of his backside as he pushes through the door, gone.
    Wow. Did I do that to him?
    “No, no,” shouts Victoria through the noise, her face turning serious. “No, Dessie. You can’t go after him. You shouldn’t. He’s bad news.”
    Why’d Clayton leave so suddenly? Did I make him uncomfortable? Well, he deserved it … after all the turmoil he put me through by just existing.
    “Dessie. Are you listening?”
    I frown, annoyed. “Why does it matter?”
    But then even Chloe chimes in. “Everyone wants a piece of the Watts boy. Girls go crazy for him.”
    “And guys,” adds Eric with a sneer.
    “Every new student that comes through here tries to hook up with that hot piece of ass,” Chloe adds with a rueful shake of her head. “I’ve watched it since my own freshman year. It’s tragic.”
    “Hell, even I couldn’t help but stare at him when he was in my

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