Read and Buried

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Book: Read and Buried by Erika Chase Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erika Chase
“And I’ve gotta say, you look
    Molly nodded. “Why, thank you, Stephanie. Jacob?”
    Jacob swallowed hard. He glanced from Bob to Molly. “I was never into mysteries growing
     up and through school years but I’ve been enjoying them lately. So, I must admit I
     haven’t read a lot of Agatha Christie. I like the settings. Those big British estates . . .
     there’s a right gallant feel about them.”
    “That’s it?”
    He nodded. “I’ll stop while I’m ahead.” He grinned at Molly.
    She shook her head but Lizzie could see a smile playing at the corners of her mouth
     as she asked, “Would anyone like a refill of tea?”
    Andie leapt out of her chair. “Let me get that for you.” She grabbed the pitcher and
     walked around refilling glasses.
    Jacob took a big swallow and said, “Has anyone heard anything more about the murder
    “They’re probably still trying to get all the background info on Alton,” Bob answered.
     “Since he’s an out-of-towner, it’ll take a bit of desk work. And then, there’s his
     hotel room to search, which they’ve surely already done. And his movements around
     town to try and track down where he went when he was here.
    “Did that officer you talked to over at my place tell you anything?” Lizzie asked.
    “Well, he thought it looked like a hunting rifle had been used, seeing as the bullet
     didn’t do any damage. Other than kill him, that is. Around here, that doesn’t narrow
     down the search any, I’m afraid. Assuming this isn’t a random killing, someone knew
     him and someone had it in for him. So we need to find out, who, besides you, Lizzie,
     did he know in town?”
    Lizzie shrugged. “Well, Jensey Pollard at the Book Bin introduced us but I don’t know
     how well she knew him. She is a bookseller after all. It was natural he’d stop at
     her store. And I hear she’d added to the store’s Facebook page a note about his talking
     to the book club. I had emails from two people who wanted to join us tonight, had
     he but lived. I didn’t get around to stopping by the store yesterday, but I will real
     soon and I’ll ask her some more about him.”
    She added after a slight pause, “Derek didn’t mention knowing anyone else in town,
     when I was talking to him.”
    “Andie, what did you find out about Derek Alton on the Internet?” Molly asked as she
     chose a slice of Bourbon pound cake.
    Andie replaced the plate on the hand-carved oak side table and sat down across from
     Molly. “He’s on Facebook and has a website that talks mainly about his award-winning
     book and lists the other books. You can click on each title and get reviews, covers,
     the whole bit. Plus links to buy them. And lots of pictures of him at signings.”
    “What about his personal life? A bio? Anything like that?” Lizzie asked.
    “Well, in Wikipedia it says he’s taught creative writing at night school and at college,
     but that’s about it. I didn’t see a location listed or a status—like if he’s married
     or has kids or any of that stuff. He hadn’t even listed where he was born or went
     to school. I guess I didn’t get too far into the articles. There were quite a few
     on the Net. I’ll go back and look at those. Also, there were lots of Derek Altons
     listed who weren’t our guy, so there’s a lot of weeding out to do.”
    She took a bite of her pecan cookie. “Oh yeah, it said that he has some food allergies
     and always brings his own cookies to events.”
    “He told me that just before he was murdered,” Lizzie said, pausing a minute before
     adding, “By the way, are you into exams yet?”
    Andie focused her attention on the Judith Fields watercolor of a swamp lily hanging
     on the wall behind Molly. “Well, yeah, sort of.”
    “I could probably take a stab and say they’ll be starting in about a week and run
     until school breaks for Christmas, right?”
    “Uh-huh. That sort of sucks, you know.”
    Lizzie shook her

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