Ravished by the Wolf God: a medieval fantasy erotic romance (God of Night Book 1)

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Book: Ravished by the Wolf God: a medieval fantasy erotic romance (God of Night Book 1) by Belle Divine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Belle Divine
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    Belle Divine
    * * * * *
    Ravished by
the Wolf God (God of Night #1)
    Copyright (c)
2014 by Belle Divine
photography © conrado | Shutterstock
    Cover Design:
Love Hypothetically Books
    All rights
    Kindle Edition
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    * * * * *
lived by my wits my whole life, but the first time I'm caught thieving is by a
seven foot tall wolf man shape shifter claiming to be the god of night. When he
proves it, I submit to him, because I too am of the night, and in the night we
will consummate our furious passion...
scaled over the rooftops, silent in my soft leather boots, and almost invisible
under my stolen cloak of shadows. I grabbed a secure handhold and paused, glancing
back the way I’d come.
No one knew I had even been in the manor, let alone escaped with one of the
biggest prizes to ever reach the black market.
lord of the manor was filth, a scumbag notorious for pilfering from his poorer
employees to furnish his own house. He taxed them higher than they could afford
and worked them almost to death. He’d stolen the infamous cloak of shadows from
a merchant in a dirty job, and I was stealing it back.
had been concerned that one of the guards might have seen me: a tall brute –
one of the expensive wolf men topping out at seven feet tall – hidden half in
shadow himself, but there was no one following me. How could they? I was a
master thief. I’d never been caught. No, scratch that. I’d been caught before,
but I always got away. I’d never been punished . I smiled to myself,
tucking the cloak tighter around my long hair before leaping to the next roof.
landed clumsily, a tile under my foot moving before I could right my balance. I
slid, flailing in terror and trying not to scream. My hands reached for the
gutter but one tangled in the silky soft cloak and I missed the chance to stop
myself tumbling off the roof…
into the strong arms off…
wolf man!
gasped for breath, but before I could scream the wolf jammed a fur-covered hand
over my mouth. Terrified, my eyes rolled back in my head in a double F – my
signature Faint Feint, which normally took gentlemen by surprise and loosened
their grip enough for me to take flight on the rare occasion I was caught
stealing something.
wolf wasn’t fooled. His grip tightened on my arm caught up in the cloak.
something?” he said softly, his voice deep and gravelly, cultivating a growl
deep down in his chest. He was built like a hairy barbarian warrior, his fur
soft and sleek over large, defined muscles, but it was his face that gave him
the name ‘wolf’. That face wasn’t quite human, except for the shocking sapphire
blue of the eyes. A protruding muzzle hid long sharp teeth, showed a black
nose, a deep brow.
lurched to my feet and tried to extricate myself from his grip by surprise, but
he was more canny than he looked. His bright blue eyes bore into mine as he
hauled me by the arm into the air to his eye level. My feet flailed, finding no
purchase. The hood of the cloak fell back, exposing my long brown hair, and
thus my gender.
me go,” I pleaded, grabbing at my restrained arm with my free one, trying to
lessen the pressure of his massive paw-hand. He could crush my wrist easily. “You
can have the cloak, just let me go.”
why would I do that?” the wolf growled, his eyes narrowing. I felt a flurry of

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