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Book: Ransom by Terri Reed Read Free Book Online
Authors: Terri Reed
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wasn’t surprising. That thought led to another. Did Blake also think that it was too late for Jillian?
    A sharp, knifelike pain slid through Liz’s midsection. She loathed being at anyone’s mercy. And right now she was at everyone’s mercy. Santini, who threatened to kill her sister and may have already done so. And Blake, who, while she appreciated his honesty, was still calling the shots.
    The stress of not knowing if her sister lived or had died gnawed away at her, making the breakfast she’d eaten turn in her stomach. Desperate, she did the only thing she could—trusted Blake to do his job.
    * * *
    From his perch on a corner bastion of the fort’s palisade, Blake watched Liz closely as she struggled to come to terms with his pronouncement. Her shoulders drooped and the distress so clearly etched on her pretty face made his insides clench.
    He wanted to go to her to ease the pain she was suffering.
    The need caught him by surprise.
    He wasn’t one for demonstrative feelings. Just like his father. Doug Fallon was a hard man, an even harder cop who’d admonished his son that only weaklings let their feelings show. Which was why Blake’s mom had bailed on him and his dad, taking Blake’s little sister with her. She’d wanted to feel loved. She hadn’t.
    Even knowing he needed to keep his emotions in check, he couldn’t help the protective urges coursing through his system. After their conversation last night, he’d realized how much Liz had given, had sacrificed, for her family. Respect and admiration filled him.
    She’d been so young to become caregiver and surrogate parent to her younger sister. That couldn’t have been easy. Teens in general were riddled with angst, but one who’d lost both parents must have been a handful. Well, from all accounts, Jillian was a handful. But she was Liz’s only family. It stood to reason why Liz was so determined to protect her.
    He hoped with everything in him that he could deliver on his promise to rescue Jillian.
    For Liz’s sake.
    For his own sake.
    Failure wasn’t an option.
    He’d failed to provide backup to his fellow ICE agent Liam at a critical moment that had cost the agent his life at the hands of Santini.
    Blake couldn’t let the attraction that sizzled between him and Liz complicate the situation.
    Though he had to admit to himself he found her unassuming beauty very alluring. She seemed to not even notice the effect she had on men. He’d watched every male on the fort grounds turn to watch her as she walked through the yard. But what he really found captivating was her tenacity and drive to save her sister. Few people defied him when he gave an order. And yet he hadn’t been able to stay mad at her for disregarding his instructions to sit tight.
    She’d made it clear that her first priority was her sister, as well it should be. And he would do everything he could to make sure they rescued her sister before anything bad happened to her. And at the same time take down Santini and gain justice for his friend.
    He could only hope they both succeeded. And that Liz’s independent streak didn’t put her or anyone else in harm’s way. Because ultimately it was his responsibility to keep her safe. He could only do that if she cooperated.
    â€œSet the bag down, then head to the entrance. I’ll meet you there,” he told her as she straightened her spine, visibly collecting herself. He admired her gumption.
    She gave a small nod and then bent to set the bag on the ground. Before she’d released her hold on the bag, the wooden door behind her swung open and a man dragged her inside the dark interior of the barracks.
    A panic-fueled surge of adrenaline pumped through Blake’s veins.
    Liz’s scream echoed in his head.
    â€œI’m coming!” he told her through the communication link that kept them connected.
    He could only pray he wasn’t too

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