
Read Online Ransom by Frank Roderus - Free Book Online

Book: Ransom by Frank Roderus Read Free Book Online
Authors: Frank Roderus
was wildly disarranged and he needed a shave, but he did not look to be as gut-sour as Dick felt at that particular moment.
    Morning. Right. So it was. There was strong sunlight streaming through the front window. Jessica’s tray and cut glass decanter were sitting on the coffee table. That was all right. But there was a whiskey bottle—empty it appeared—lying on the rug between Dick and John Taylor. Taylor was stretched out on the sofa, his boots hanging over at one end and his greasy hair propped on one of Jessica’s lovely pillows. Taylor looked as befuddled as Dick felt. But then to Dick the ignoramus always looked like a big, befuddled, dumb brute.
    The man sat up, swayed just a little—Dick could well imagine how dizzy he must be—and mumbled, “What th’ hell ’m I doing here?”
    â€œThat’s what I just asked.”
    The man shook his head, tried to stand up but thoughtbetter of that, and settled back onto the sofa. “Tied one on last night, did’n we?”
    â€œYes.” Dick mouthed the vile fruits of a night of drinking, licked his lips, and then observed, “Yes, I would say that we did.”
    â€œDidn’t accomplish much, did we?”
    â€œNo, I would say we did not.”
    Taylor stood, almost fell but righted himself. “Where’s your whiskey? I need a hair o’ the dog.”
    â€œI think we drank it all last night. There was only the one bottle in the house.” He pointed to the empty that was lying on the floor between them. “I think that was it.”
    â€œAin’t that just hell? Rich man like you an’ he only has one bottle in the place. Ain’t that the shits?”
    â€œLast night,” Dick said slowly, trying to think past the fog that invaded his brain and made his thoughts fuzzy and indistinct. “Last night we talked about getting Jessica and Louise back where they belong. Didn’t we?”
    â€œYeah. We did. We need t’ get them back where they belong. Which is with me, by the way. They’re my family, not yours.”
    â€œNever mind that,” Dick snapped. “This isn’t a time to be arguing about who belongs where. Whoever they belong to, they are in grave danger. The note says they will be killed if we tell the marshal or call in the sheriff and his deputies. So how are we going to get them back? And don’t tell me to pay the ransom. You know I can’t do that. Even if I wanted to, and I have mixed feelings about that, I couldn’t.”
    Taylor ignored Dick’s comment. “You got anything to eat in this house?”
    â€œHow can you think about food at a time like this?” The very thought was enough to make Dick want to puke.Right at that moment food would be just about the last thing on his mind.
    â€œI think better on a full stomach,” Taylor said, yawning. He made a face, scratched his belly, and sat down again.
    â€œIf we have anything . . . I don’t know. Jessie always took care of things like that.” Dick fluttered his hands in futility.
    â€œCome on, then. We’ll go over to the café and get something. Maybe a hair of the dog after we eat.”
    â€œNo drinking. No more until we get the girls back,” Dick said.
    Taylor gave him a dirty look. “Who died an’ made you boss?” he demanded.
    â€œIt’s just . . . we need to keep our heads clear from now on. If you don’t want to help me, though, just say so. I’ll go get them on my own.”
    Taylor snorted derisively. “Go where? Get them how?”
    â€œI haven’t figured that out yet. We’ll talk about it after breakfast.”
    Taylor looked around, spotted his hat lying upside down on a chair, and retrieved it. “Ready?”
    Dick felt grubby. He desperately needed to change his underthings and put on a fresh shirt. Taylor did not seem to care about such things. The hell with it, Dick thought. He pulled his

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