Raisin the Dead

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Book: Raisin the Dead by Karoline Barrett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karoline Barrett
about wedding cakes?”
    â€œSure, if you are. Anything to take my mind off another possible murder in our town.”
    I agreed. I linked my arm with hers, something I’d never thought I’d do in a million years, but when a murderer could be lurking about, it’s natural to want to connect with others, right?
    Lola seemed a little uncomfortable around me at first as we began discussing cakes, but I assured her I only want her and Brian’s happiness. I was completely over him, and vice versa. She apologized for her previous attitude towards me; I apologized for harboring not-so-charitable thoughts towards her. As my mother likes to say, all was hunky-dory between us.
    An hour later, we had the details—carrot cake frosted with buttercream, and decorated with marzipan leaves and pumpkins—all set. Her wedding is scheduled for mid-October, so this will be the perfect autumn cake.
    I had been doing a lot with marzipan lately, including my mother’s lemon marzipan birthday cake. I also made Sean a St. Patrick’s Day princess torte with light green marzipan icing. He loved it. Of course, I left the “princess” part out. Men can be a little particular about those things. Lola picked out the groom cake as well, a tribute to Brian’s favorite team, the Buffalo Bills. I promised I’d do a football helmet sitting on a field of green.
    I couldn’t wait to create both of these cakes. I was happy; our little bakery’s repertoire was expanding along with our reputation, I loved nurturing my creative side, and my romantic life wasn’t too shabby, either.
    We were busy with customers the rest of the day, which was a blessing, so Kendra, Olivia, and I had no chance to further discuss the development with Philip Baldelli. It turns out, though, that I’ll have more to worry about in the not-too-distant future.

    Can you meet me for an early breakfast at Bubby’s Diner before I have to be at the bakery at 11:00? Need to chat with you. Hope your day is going well so far! xoxo.
    I gave Noelle her bowl of food after lavishing her with attention and kisses, then headed for the bedroom. If Sean was out on police business, my text may go unanswered for a few hours. As I promised the girls, I wanted to see how much I could get out of him about Philip’s death, which, any sane person would have to admit, looked like a murder. I’d reserve judgment, however, until I had more information.
    I didn’t specify that in my text, of course. I wasn’t an idiot. That would ensure I might not hear from Sean for weeks. I also had no idea if Jordan was still in town. I wanted to find out how that went.
    By the time I had my hair up and lip gloss on, my phone pinged.
Love to, but have a situation at the library. You okay?
    I went over his text again to make sure I’d read correctly.
It can wait. What kind of situation?
    Protestors. Got to go, babe. Talk later.
    Protestors? I scrolled until I found my mother’s work number under Favorites then waited while it rang.
    â€œHi, sweetheart. What’s up? You cannot believe the day I’m having already.”
    â€œI just texted Sean. He said he’s at the library because of protesters, so I can imagine what kind of day you’re having. What’s going on?”
    â€œThey were lining up when I arrived. I called the police, in case it got ugly. You never know with protestors. I’m glad he’s here, despite his previous questioning of me about Philip’s death.”
    â€œWhat are they protesting? Banned books, or books they want banned?”
    She exhaled her frustration in my ear. “I wish. I could deal with that. I’m looking out the window now. They’re people supporting the Oleandra County Preservation Society and the Destiny Trust for Historic Preservation in their efforts to stop the library expansion.”
    â€œHow many people are there?”
    â€œMaybe fifteen or

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