Rain Falls
talk about what we are doing later,” the same boy said. The others were just smiling, and looking at their apparent leader in awe because he had spoken to her.
    Rain softened her features and walked around the table and reached up her free hand and ran it through the teen’s hair and then leaned over and smiled at his friends who were watching intently. She could see with the looks on their faces that they were in shock at what she was doing. Rain licked her lips seductively and then whispered right next to the boy’s ear, “Baby, haven’t you heard? Caffeine stunts your growth, and I am sure your cock can’t afford that. So why don’t you run along and see if the pharmacy has some cock enlargement pills that will help you out. Then come and see me.”
    The boy jerked his head back as his friends held their hands over their mouths and laughed loudly. The leader stood and glared and her, then with his head he motioned to the others and they moved.
    Rain laughed to herself and then cleared the table and pulled up chairs for everyone. The others had just showed up when the boys stormed through the door.
    Shady and the first group came to the table laughing and put down their drinks. “Rain, I see you haven’t lost your touch.”
    She grinned, “Don’t have time for little boys messing around.”
    Bob shook her head. “Shit, I could have totally initiated them into manhood.”
    “Cougar,” Freedom snorted.
    “Hell yeah,” Bob said and sat down. “I get some good tips from the young bucks at Bitches. Their daddies give them a big allowance to go to the strippers.”
    The women laughed and waited until everyone was sitting down before they began. Rain ate her pound cake quietly, soothing herself for what was to come.
    “So,” Abi said with a wink to Rain. “How was it?”
    Rain shook her head and said, “I got off, and I left, no biggie.”
    The women laughed and then moved on, thank God. Shady took over by saying softly, “What did you find out, Bree, Nike?”
    The two women looked tired but they grinned at each other. “A lot,” Bree said and looked at Rain with a sad expression. “I know this is gonna suck and bring up shit, and I am sorry.”
    Rain shrugged, “Whatever.”
    “Okay,” Nike said. “First off, your mom and sister.”
    “Wait. What? And it is half-sister thanks,” Rain said. “They are not involved.”
    Bree looked at her sympathetically. “Not knowingly your mother, but your uh half-sister? We may have an issue there.”
    Rain whispered, “What the fuck?”
    Nike nodded. “Okay, here is what we have on that end. Your half-sister has been hanging around with Zane and his second-in-command. We traced several of her new purchases, one of which is a large apartment building in San Diego, the signatures were verified, it was her and Zane who bought it, and she signed off on locks, lingerie, clothes, décor, and other things which leads me to believe she is completely aware the place is a whorehouse with underage children.”
    “Oh my God!” Rain said stunned. She had never gotten along with her half-sister, they had a hate-hate relationship, and Rain was okay with that. Even Zane was part of their competition, shit, Rain knew her half-sister was jealous when she was married, because Angel had tried to turn Zane’s head several times before he asked Storm out. Hell, at the end Angel had laughed when Rain said she wanted out, told her she was stupid, she said nothing could be so bad that Storm would walk away from the money. But even with all that, she would never have thought her half-sister would stoop that low.
    “Uh,” Bree said. “And she is also named in several other holdings with your husband, all of which are barely on the legal side of things. She convinced your mother to invest in a shipping company they are using to transport drugs and women. From all indications, it looks like you mother has no clue, she just went along with the recommendation from your

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