Rain Falls
dressed in jeans and a black t-shirt.
    “Word has it, the club that took Reyes down, your dear sweet wife is a part of it.” The informant handed him a picture of her in the distance with a group of biker chicks. The zoom was poor quality, and she looked a lot different. He stared at the picture for a long while before coming to full agreement it was indeed her. She’d had a lot of work done and her hair was different, but he knew her too well.
    “Interesting. What else?”
    “They said she has told them about you and is helping to track you down,” the guy answered. “I don’t know from where or how soon, but they are moving in.”
    Zane scowled for a moment and nodded. “Thank you.” He handed the guy a wad of cash and got back in his limo. Once the door was closed tightly, he laughed out loud. Oh, dear sweet wife, how I adore thee. Let me show you the ways… She wanted to play huh? Well, game on. She had no idea who she was messing with. He flipped out his phone and punched a button, holding it to his ear, “Round up a few of our best. It’s time to bring my wife home.”

    Rain woke and looked around, fuck a duck , she thought, I slept with them . Dammit all to hell . She slowly moved down between them, making sure she didn’t disturb them because she needed to get the fuck outta here. Rule number one, never spend the night with anyone, ‘fuck ‘em and leave ‘em’ that is her motto and she wasn’t changing it. Too many strings came from relationships.
    When she reached the end of the bed, she slid off, grabbed her clothes, pulled them on swiftly, and left. It wasn’t until she was outside on the street that she remembered they had been at Slinging Ink. Thank God , she thought, at least she didn’t have to explain to anyone what the fuck she had done.
    Taking a deep breath she pulled her cell phone out, which was still in the back pocket of her jeans and walked right toward Starbucks, yes she needed the elixir of life, coffee. Of course, she wasn’t obsessed like Harmony, hell, no one was that obsessed. The woman stabbed someone with a spork for messing with her bagel. As she hit the front door Rain changed her mind, possibly Harmony was right, because right now she spied the Raspberry Swirl Pound Cake, which was only in season once a year, and apparently Rain had missed that memo. She loved that shit.
    She saw her reflection in the window and grimaced a little. Her jeans were baggy and sagged on her waist, held up by her favorite belt, which had a buckle with bling-crossed guns. She was wearing her Harley boots, and a cropped t-shirt with a bike on the front. Her long blond hair was a mess, but still looked good. Damn, she looked like she was headed out for the night instead of beginning her day. Fuck it , she thought and swung open the door.
    She walked to the counter and ordered. Then she heard Harmony and the other Lady Riders come in. She should have known they would be here; it was their morning ritual.
    “Hey, Rain,” Harmony called and the others came up to her.
    “Hey,” she said. “I ordered and will get us a table.”
    The women stared at her and then Shady laughed loudly. “She got laid.”
    “Hell yeah she did,” Freedom said. “Get a big table, the others are coming too, they are right behind us.”
    Rain frowned and hung her head, shit, they were all going to be there, and they were all going to give her shit. This sucked, it was worse than the walk of shame, it was the Starbucks happy place walk of shame. Not cool.
    “Get me another Raspberry Swirl Pound Cake,” she snapped as the other laughed and she grabbed her coffee and pastry and walked off.
    In the back was a large group of tables they always sat at. There was a young bunch of boys sitting there, no more than eighteen, and they grinned when she walked up.
    “Hey, mama,” one of them said and Rain rolled her eyes.
    “Move,” she said quietly, and the boys laughed.
    “Mama, why don’t you sit with us and we can

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