Ragnarok Rising: The Crossing (The Ragnarok Rising Saga)

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Book: Ragnarok Rising: The Crossing (The Ragnarok Rising Saga) by D.A. Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: D.A. Roberts
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Spec-4 and Southard cover me while I walked across the bridge. I didn’t want any surprises when we were halfway across. With the swollen spring beneath the bridge, falling into it would be deadly.
    Once I verified that there were no tripwires or traps on the bridge, the Humvees came across behind me. It was still unnerving to see nothing moving in the park. The Visitor’s Center and General Store looked to be intact, but there were no cars in the parking lot. In fact, there didn’t seem to be many vehicles in the park at all. They must have forced everyone to leave when they closed the park. That suited me just fine because it meant fewer of the undead would be around.
    Taking the map out of my cargo pocket, I spread it out on the hood of my Humvee. Spec-4, Southard and Elliott joined me. Becca wouldn’t get out of the vehicle after what had happened to Jensen. I felt bad for Jensen, I really did…but he never should have gone wandering around by himself. I don’t care how bad he had to use the bathroom; he should have cleared it first. His own carelessness had gotten him killed, plain and simple.
    Now granted, I was still going to miss him. We would miss his firepower if the zombies come for us in any kind of numbers. Not that it looked like there were large numbers of zombies in the area, but the new ones had me worried. Either the Stalkers stayed hidden all the time, or they didn’t like the light. I hoped that they stayed hidden, because the thought of a large number of them coming out when the sun went down was something I really didn’t want to consider. There weren’t any structures in the area that we could defend. We had to get inside the POMCUS Cache, plain and simple.
    There was too much glass in the Visitor’s Center/General Store and the bathrooms didn’t have doors. That only left some apartments that the park employees used and the Fish Hatchery. Neither building could withstand a siege of the undead. Our only hope was in finding the POMCUS. If we could seal it from the inside, we could weather the night and fight our way clear in the morning. If not, then we were going to have to leave the area before dark.
    After studying the map, we decided that the most likely place to start was a rather nondescript building that sat on the south side of the road between the Visitor’s Center and the Hatchery. It was a plain building about thirty feet square, made of limestone bricks and mortar. Someone had once told me that the Government used it for Federal Prisoners to have short visits to the park.
    I had never doubted the story, although I’d never seen the building in use, either. The y kept the building well maintained, despite never having seen it occupied. I assumed that the park maintenance people kept it up, but I’d never really put much thought into it. It was just a plain little building that everyone ignored, which made it the perfect choice to hide something like a POMCUS Cache.
    I realized that the cache had to be under the building, since it wasn’t big enough to house such a vast trove of weapons, vehicles and gear . Folding the map up and slipping it back into my pocket, I consulted the little green notebook that held the access instructions. They began with an access code or combination to open a lock. We were going to have to get inside to find it.
    We headed across the road, leaving Becca locked inside a Humvee. She refused to come out , so we left her a radio and told her to watch for any signs of movement. Locked inside an up-armored Humvee, she was probably safer than we were. Even the Stalkers couldn’t rip through that kind of armor. At least, I hoped that they couldn’t. If they could, then we were in bigger trouble than I thought.
    They had painted the door to the little building brown to look like the wooden doors on all of the other buildings. However once you were close to it, you could clearly see that this was a reinforced steel door not wood. The glass in the windows was

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