Raber Wolf Pack Book Two

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Book: Raber Wolf Pack Book Two by Ryan Michele Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ryan Michele
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even had a shit-eating grin on my face. I could tell this because the apples of my cheeks hurt. Max had whispered to me that he’d told them we were mates, but didn’t know how the reception would be because they wouldn’t be able to smell us. He even acted surprised at the cheers, but was a good sport.
    The second thing stunned me. They talk about sex at the table as if it’s talking about the weather or what they are going to do today. Seriously. They. Talk. About. Fucking. Openly. In my home growing up, I had to learn about the birds and the bees all by myself. My parents have sticks so far up their asses, they poke through their heads. Hell, I wasn’t even allowed out of the house until I was sixteen. A sixteen-year-old at her very first sleepover, and worse, they all knew. That was embarrassing.
    My parents would have rather cut off both their arms and ate them before they talked to me about sex. And the wolves just throw it around like it’s all the same. Kids aren’t next to them, but I’m sure with all their supersonic hearing they catch some of it. Is that okay in this world? Another thing I have to ask Max.
    Also, what Max neglected to tell me about the mating ceremony is a doozie. The mated couple screw in front of everyone as wolves. They have to tackle each other in the woods and all the attendees follow. Then the man takes the woman. This gets all the other wolves riled up and they have sex too. He got a glare from me for that one, but it didn’t faze him in the least.
    The one awesome surprise is a little girl named Natalie. I thought she was Zara and Xavier’s daughter but was told at the table that both of her parents passed. My heart ached for her and I wanted to hug Zara for taking her in as her own. It may not be official, but the way that woman looks after her, it’s as if she’s blood.
    That brings us to now. Little Natalie is on my lap and playing with my hair, twisting it this way and that. I never had any little kids around when I grew up. I’m an only child so no nieces and nephews. Children are a mystery to me. When she first hopped up, I felt awkward to say the least, but as soon as that little girl opened her mouth there was no awkwardness left. She is so kind and sweet. I’m pretty sure I’d hold her all day if I could.
    “I think we should play beauty shop,” she exclaims loudly to Zara. Natalie’s face lights up at the idea.
    “And we can do hair and nails,” Zara adds in cheerfully.
    “Kenly’s hair is beautiful. I think we should put lots of curls in it,” Natalie tells anyone who’s listening while thumbing through my hair. “Would you let us?” She puckers her lips and I have the word sucker all over my face.
    Ugh . “Of course.”
    “Yeah!” She claps her hands and bounces up and down. I hold on to her hips, trying to make sure she doesn’t fall. Then she surprises me and wiggles completely down. “I’m going to Zara,” she declares adamantly.
    “You full, babe?” Max asks, sitting next to me. Again during the meal, one of his hands was on me at all times. Even when he ate, he found a way to do it one-handed. It’s pretty amazing actually.
    “I am. I think I overdid it though. I never eat that much.” I pigged out. Majorly. Two plates full of food and I have no idea where it went, because I’m pretty certain that my stomach is not that large. Wherever it went, it’s in my body and I don’t feel bloated. At. All. If anything, I could grab another handful of peanuts off the counter and eat away. Nuts, I tell ya.
    “It’ll be all right.” Max’s thumb gently caresses from my neck to collarbone, up and down. It’s unbelievably soothing and making me wet. Holy shit. I sit up straight and cross my legs like that’s going to help any. When talking ceases and all male eyes come to me at the table, a slow blush creeps up my neck to my throat.
    Shit. Their super-sensitive smell. They can smell my arousal. Can’t they? Oh shit. Embarrassment isn’t even

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