Raber Wolf Pack Book Two

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Book: Raber Wolf Pack Book Two by Ryan Michele Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ryan Michele
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stopped hearing about them. They only had a few in their pack and over the years, we thought they’d become extinct.”
    “Why were they chasing me though? I’m just a human and know nothing of this pack,” I ask, confused as hell.
    “When I spoke with Xavier, while you were with Lily, we banged our heads together to try to come up with an answer. The only thing that connects you to any wolf was the crystal you found. It’s a long shot, but it’s all we have to go on right now.” I let his words rattle in my head, trying to piece the puzzle that has now become my life together. It’s not working so well.
    “Do you think the Lobos are coming back for retaliation?” God I hope not. This could get so much worse. I can’t handle what I know already, but I can hack it. I will hack it. I’ll get through all of this. Right?
    “We’re not sure yet, but the fact that they are still alive and present, anything is an option.”
    As his words seep into my core, I let the sunshine caress my body, sucking in its warmth. Birds fly as the resting of leaves off in the distance catches my ear. It’s beautiful out here.
    He rises, pulling me with him. I guess relaxation time is over. “Ready for the rest of the tour?”
    Now that a lot of heavy shit is out there I’m an even bigger jumbled mess, but no way am I letting him see that. I plaster on a smile. “Absolutely.”

    WE WALK FOR WHAT FEELS like hours, but I’m not tired. I’ve actually never felt so…alive. The fresh air, the quiet of the woods along with the soft breeze—hell, I could probably lie down and take a nap, which doesn’t sound like a bad idea. The entire time, Max doesn’t let go of me. He’s touching me in some way, shape, or form. I’ve never been a really touchy-feely kind of person, but with him, I don’t mind it. No, that’s a lie. I like it. Like really like it. Maybe he is right with all this mating stuff. Lily totally believes him and trusts him without a doubt. Maybe I should, too.
    He did save me and brought me somewhere safe. He’s not a bad guy in the slightest. All of this is just a lot to take in.
    “Come on. I bet you’re starving and I can smell food cooking.” I instantly sniff the air, my nose twitching this way and that, searching for the scent. Nothing. I smell dirt and trees. No food. Damn. I’m a bit let down by this and even that shocks me. Max shakes his head in an I-know-what-you-just-did kind of way. Whatever.
    “I’m starved.” And I am. Like really, really hungry. I’m not really sure I’ve ever been this hungry. It’s like I haven’t eaten in weeks instead of just hours. “This hunger thing. Someone said this is part of it, right?”
    He keeps walking, snaking us this way and that, knocking branches out of the way as he goes. “Yes. You’ll get hungrier and hungrier until the change happens. They say food helps you in the transformation process by giving your human self the nutrients that the wolf side is depleting as you change.”
    “That’s gonna be pretty crazy when it happens.” And scary…very, very scary.
    “It will be, but you won’t be alone.” I find tremendous comfort in those words and hold on to them like a lifeline.
    “Let’s eat!”

    WELL, IF I THOUGHT THE first meal with the crew was crazy, this is beyond batshit and into horseshit. Yep, that’s one step up. I wonder if they have bats and horses that are humans that shift. Hmm . I’ll have to remember to ask Max about that.
    Two things happened to earn this new rating.
    One, when we first entered the room hand in hand, the entire room erupted in cheers and I froze on the spot. I mean a huge pack of wolves cheering for me is better than attacking, but still, shocking. Then came the hugs and congratulations from the wolves—yes, that’s right. Hugs. From. Wolves . And they were nice ones. And even more bizarr-o was that I started hugging back as if they were my long-lost friends instead of wolves I just met. I

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