R. E. Bradshaw - Rainey Nights

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Book: R. E. Bradshaw - Rainey Nights by R. E. Bradshaw Read Free Book Online
Authors: R. E. Bradshaw
guard would not hesitate to send 50,000 volts coursing through his body.
    Their escort spoke into his radio. “Control, open on twelve.”
    The door in front of them slid open. Danny entered first, a stack of file folders in his hand. He walked straight to the table. Tossing the files down, he glared at Dalton.
    “I’m not going to have any trouble with you today, am I?”
    Dalton ignored Danny. He looked around him at Rainey as she entered. “Why Agent Bell, you look beautiful.”
    Rainey woke up on, what her dad would have called, “the wrong side of the bed.” She was in no mood to pretend to like Dalton, but she had to. Her part in the investigation was to appear sympathetic to Dalton’s situation. She pulled her hair down, because he liked it that way. Rainey didn’t want Dalton to be attracted to her, but her looks distracted him. Their tactics were for Danny to push and prod, while she coaxed and cajoled the information out of this sadistic rapist murderer. In his plea deal, to avoid the death penalty Dalton was given six consecutive life sentences, without the possibility of parole, in exchange for the location of other victims’ bodies tied to him after his arrest. Nothing he said about his Virginia crimes after the deal could be used to prosecute him further. He had been careful not to mention any unknown crimes in North Carolina.
    Once again, television and movie portrayals of behavioral analysts were wrong. The BAU did not like to interview serial killers until after incarceration, because they had reason to lie before trial. Dalton had no reason to be anything but honest about his Virginia crimes, now. He was under the mistaken impression that once he was locked up for life, North Carolina would not be interested in spending the money to continue their investigation or hold a trial there. Rainey certainly did nothing to dispel this belief. In total, Dalton admitted to sexually assaulting and murdering eighteen young women over the course of three years and two states. It made Rainey sick to her stomach to feign interest in his long rambling descriptions of his crimes. She interviewed dozens of sadistic criminals and never felt the disgust she did for Dalton Chambers, but they needed to study him. What they learned from him could one day prevent or help solve future crimes. It was her job, but she didn’t have to like it. Today, she especially loathed being there.
    Rainey produced a smile and took a seat at the table. “How are you? Are you eating enough? You look tired.”
    Dalton sneered at the guard in the corner. “These fuckers won’t let me sleep. Rousting my cell in the middle of the night and I haven’t had my hour in the yard in a week.”
    Dalton’s muscular body had actually increased in size since his incarceration, partly due to getting and taking his medication on a regular basis. On the outside he saved his meds and took them in bunches, instead of daily as they were prescribed. The rage brought on by the exploitation of steroids was evident in his crimes. The drugs did not cause his actions. He simply used them as a tool to enforce his already sadistic fury. Now, he had nothing to do but exercise within his cell, where he was locked down for twenty-three hours a day, more if he misbehaved. He was allowed to shower three times a week and was supposed to get one hour in the tiny enclosed exercise yard every day, but that could be withheld if he broke the rules. Dalton had been misbehaving.
    Rainey knew Dalton was approaching that time in a prisoner’s life when the futility of his existence and the permanence of his situation set in. This time was usually accompanied by acting out. With no way to release his anger on his choice of victim, he demonstrated it by being less than a model prisoner. Rainey read the discipline reports during the helicopter ride from Quantico. Since she saw him last, two weeks ago, he had attacked a guard while being led to the shower, thrown feces at the

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