Queen Victoria
offered by the Unitarian body for an essay, she set to work on a series of stories which were to illustrate such subjects as the effect of machinery upon wages, free trade, etc.
    After the manuscript had been refused by numerous publishers, she succeeded in getting it accepted, and the book proved an extraordinary success.
    She moved to London, and her house soon became the centre where the best of literature and politics could always be discussed. She was consulted even by Cabinet Ministers, but in spite of all the praise and adulation she remained quite unspoiled.
    The idea of women taking part in public movements was still not altogether pleasing to the majority of people, who were apt to look upon ‘learned’ women as ‘Blue-stockings,’ a name first used in England in the previous century in rather a contemptuous way.
    Come, let us touch the string,
And try a song to sing,
    Though this is somewhat difficult at starting, O!
And in our case more than ever,
When a desperate endeavour,
    Is made to sing the praise of Harry Martineau!

Of bacon, eggs, and butter,
Rare philosophy she’ll utter;
    Not a thing about your house but she’ll take part in, O!
As to mine, with all my soul,
She might take (and pay) the whole -
    But that is all my eye and Harry Martineau!

Her political economy
Is as true as Deuteronomy;
    And the monster of Distress she sticks a dart in, O!
Yet still he stalks about,
And makes a mighty rout,
    But that we hope’s my eye and Harry Martineau!
    In 1835 she visited the United States, and here she was able to study the question of slavery. She joined the body of the ‘Abolitionists,’ and as a result was attacked from all sides with the utmost fury, for the Northern States stood solid against abolition. But she remained unmoved in her opinion, and when in 1862 the great Civil War broke out, her writings were the means of educating public opinion. It was largely due to her that this country did not foolishly support the secession of the Southern States from the Union.
    During a period of five years she was a complete invalid, and some of her best books, including her well-known stories for children,   Feats on the Fiord   and   The Crofton Boys , were written in that time.
    After her recovery her life was busier than ever. She wrote articles for the daily papers, but her chief pleasure lay in devising schemes for improving the lot of her poorer neighbours. She organized evening lectures for the people, and founded a Mechanics’ Institute and a building society.
    During her life-time she was the acknowledged leader on all moral questions, especially those which affected the lives of women.
    “It has always been esteemed our special function as women,” she said, “to mount guard over society and social life - the spring of national existence.”

CHAPTER IX:   Balmoral
    It was in Balmoral Castle that the husband and wife most loved to be with their children. Here they could lead a simple life free from all restraints, “small house, small rooms, small establishment. . . . There are no soldiers, and the whole guard of the Sovereign consists of a single policeman, who walks about the grounds to keep off impertinent intruders and improper characters. . . . The Prince shoots every morning, returns to luncheon, and then they walk or drive. The Queen is running in and out of the house all day long, and often goes about alone, walks into the cottages, and chats with the old women.”
    The Queen loved her life here even more than the Prince, and every year she yearned for it more and more. “It is not alone the pure air, the quiet and beautiful scenery, which makes it so delightful,” she wrote; “it is the atmosphere of loving affection, and the hearty attachment of the people around Balmoral which warms the heart and does one good.”
    It was during the year 1848 that the royal couple paid their first visit to Balmoral. The Queen had long wished to possess

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