Putting the Madge in Danna

Read Online Putting the Madge in Danna by Mia Natasha - Free Book Online

Book: Putting the Madge in Danna by Mia Natasha Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mia Natasha
Tags: Humor, Blog, madonna, bridetobe, erotic content, greek wedding, sexual conquests
for my cougar experience. But so what? I am about to be so much
like Madonna that it’s scary.
    I’ve met Zeke every night this week. I don’t
get to the club until 8:00pm and since the gym closes at 9:00pm
we’ve been alone in there after hours twice so far. Nothing has
happened, just a little flirty-flirt. He seems really interested in
my wedding plans and even more interested in my fascination with
Madonna. He showed me a bunch of things I could do for my abs so
that they could look more like Madonna’s.
    Like earlier this evening, I was hanging off
this bar with my armpits shoved into stinky fabric rings, and I had
to lift my lower half up so that my body formed an L-shape. He made
me do this like twenty-five times, I mean three sets of
twenty-five. It kind of reminded me of the way I feel when I’m
wrapping my legs around Zeus while the big kazoo is locked and
loaded into my hooey barrel chamber and we play the Mount Olympus
cling. When we do that, I must keep my abs tight and hold myself up
without the use of my arms. He sort of twirls around the room, like
a soaring eagle. I always end up wrapping my arms around Zeus’ neck
before he dives onto the bed and we fall into missionary man bliss.
This was what I was thinking about, I guess. I was huffing and
puffing, trying desperately to maintain the position without
breaking a sweat. I didn’t want to fail and yet my mind went to
that soaring eagle – my man is so much like his mythological god
doppelganger…and then - and let me say thank the lord that no one
else was there to see it - I had an orgasm! My hooey shook like a
Kansas tornado, all hot and wet, and full of dark, dreamy
    I moaned loudly the way I do when I’m with
Zeus, at least it sounded super loud as I do with Zeus, because he
can be very quiet in comparison.
    “ The equipment likes you
too,” Zeke said.
    I took a deep breath and said, “Funny.” As
much as I wanted to be, I could hardly be witty at a time like
    “ Now you won’t need your
fiancé to take care of your sweaty little dreamcatcher,” he said.
“Not tonight, anyhow.” I was certain I’d heard him right, and I
liked that I didn’t have to be the aggressor this time. I knew I
was right on track to get this party started.
    I replied, “Zeus is out of town. He’s in
Japan on business.”
    “ You’re engaged to a
    I laughed, because I had just been silently
making that same comparison. I said, “I guess, right?”
    “ You know,” Zeke said,
unmistakably flirtatiously, “the name Feathertoe represents a long
line of spiritual shaman. And our spirit men can smoke rings around
    “ Really?” I asked, hoping
for a more specific ring – hooey, nipsey-russells, lips or back
end? I thought, maybe he meant all of them, like a four-ringed
circus or something?
    “ What can you teach me, oh
great one?” I said. “I bow to the mighty Shaman in you, Mr.
Feathertoe.” It was all I could manage. I know, lame. Hey, what did
you expect? I had just had an orgasm for fuck’s sake. I was still
hanging by my armpits, in what will now be referred to as the fuck
harness. It was hard to play über-sexy and cool Madonna protégé
while dangling from the precipice of a non-pricker wham-bam that
felt like the big kazoo. But anyhow, it worked. A little more
sexy-sexy banter and guess what? Zeke’s taking me to a local beach
tomorrow night after our work-out so that we can sit American
Indian style...and perform a sexy power pow-wow.
    Native Americans like
girls who can suck cock.Bluejay Hawk, New York Be careful, Danna, because
Madonna got pregnant fucking her gym rat.Julia
    What is this foolishness? I call police.
Identity theft is crime. Dannika good girl is.Auntie Sofia,
Toronto, Ont., Canada
    Where’s the brother fuck?Call
    It’s no act. Aug.
29 th .
Marriott Hotel. Room 1022.Rob, NY, NY
    Indian Giver
    Saturday, August 1,

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