Pussycat Death Squad

Read Online Pussycat Death Squad by Roslyn Hardy Holcomb - Free Book Online

Book: Pussycat Death Squad by Roslyn Hardy Holcomb Read Free Book Online
Authors: Roslyn Hardy Holcomb
Tags: Erótica
young; most of them seem to be around your age.”
    “I left most of the younger ones at home. There was no real reason for them to come here, and they're still very green.” Lelia frowned. Colonel al-Fariq hadn't really protested when she told him she was leaving some of the younger soldiers in Laritrea. She'd expected a strong objection and had been prepared for a lengthy debate, but there had been none. She shrugged. Maybe the Colonel had been occupied with other things. She'd been too busy getting the other soldiers ready to investigate any further.
    He stared at her for a long moment, then asked the question she'd been dreading. “What are you doing here? I thought we were supposed to be avoiding one another?”
    Lelia shook her head, tempted to lie. But knowing he would see through it, she finally answered with the simple truth. “I don't know why I'm here. I knew you would be here, knew I should avoid you, but I came anyway.” She lowered her head, preparing to rise from the mat.
    Patrick placed his hand on her chin, raising her face. Before she could even catch her breath, he lowered his mouth to hers. She gasped against the incendiary sensation that raced through her body at the touch of his lips against hers. His answering groan rumbled in his chest as he pulled her closer; her arms automatically went around his neck. She returned the kiss, giving him her tongue when he demanded it.
    She couldn't get close enough to him. The feel of his body against hers made her want to scream in frustration because they couldn't get any closer. In one frantic motion, Patrick laid her down on the mat, moving himself on top of her so quickly she felt a moment of vertigo. She moved against him urgently, not really sure what she wanted, but knowing he could give it to her.
    Patrick slipped a hand between their surging bodies to untie her keigogi. She wore nothing but a thin T-shirt beneath it. He lowered his head, sucking one of her puckered nipples between his lips in a motion that was almost painful, but only made the heat between her legs burn even higher. She couldn't help arching her back to bring her nipple into even closer contact with the ecstasy that his mouth gave her, but then she ground her throbbing clit even harder against his engorged cock. Even through the heavy cotton of her keigogi trousers, she could feel the thickness of it.
    Though still a virgin, Lelia was far from naive. It was impossible to live in a barracks full of women, even chaste ones, and not gain some knowledge of sex. Even as she rubbed herself more urgently against him, she knew precisely what was happening when her first orgasm exploded across her trembling body.
    She pulled Patrick's head up for another torrid kiss, even while the throbbing spread out from between her legs.
    The carnal, openmouthed kiss was almost Patrick's undoing. He'd begun the kiss as an exploration. He simply couldn't resist the temptation any longer. Now he was so hard, it was everything that he could do to think at all. Despite her orgasm, she was still pushing and grinding against him, and he had to fight not to give her just what she was asking for. But there was no way that he would have sex with a woman for the first time on a sweaty gym floor mat, and it made him want to kick something, hard. Besides, he didn't have any protection on him. A keigogi, despite its simple construction, lacked any pockets to conceal a condom—an unsurprising circumstance considering that they were designed for fighting, not seduction.
    He pulled away from her, collapsing prone on the mat. Neither moved for a long moment; then Lelia reached out and touched his shoulder.
    “Patrick, are you okay?”
    “Not by a long shot. I've never been so hard up in my life,” Patrick rasped.
    Lelia moved closer. “Is there something I can do to help?”
    Patrick choked back a groan. “I'm pretty sure you don't want to do any of the

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