
Read Online Pursuit by Lynda Chance - Free Book Online

Book: Pursuit by Lynda Chance Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynda Chance
all, he wanted the right to stand there and watch her, he wanted an invisible chain that bound her to him so she couldn't get away from him as easily as she'd just done, and he wanted the satisfaction of knowing that she wanted that just as much as he did.
    He scrubbed his hand over his face in agitation when he realized the direction of his thoughts. He needed to get a fucking grip and slow the fuck down or he was going to send her running.
    And damned if he would allow that to happen.
    She was too perfect, too sexy, too sweet, just as he 'd told her. And he hadn't had enough of her yet. Not even close. He could still taste her on his tongue, and he wanted more. He could still feel his hands wrapped around her wrists, and he wanted more. He could remember the exact moment she'd exploded in spasms around him, and he wanted more.
    Yeah, he needed to get a grip and slow the fuck down before he scared her off. He definitely needed to tone it down a notch or two, because there wasn 't any way in hell she was going to get away from him this quickly.
    He 'd play her game for awhile, let her think she was in control of this thing between them, because it wouldn't help his case a damn bit for her to know how goddamn obsessed he was already. He was feeling a hot, possessive streak that he'd never felt for another woman, an aggressive need to mark her as his territory.
    He sucked in oxygen and blew it out slowly. Shit yeah, he needed to calm the fuck down. Not only would it scare the shit out of her, it was beginning to scare the shit out of him.

Chapter Four
    An hour later, they'd eaten together, mostly in silence, and Lauren moved around the compact kitchen cleaning up the mess. She glanced at Logan, feeling a subtle ache between her legs. Not so much of a sexual need, but an actual ache from where he'd been just a little over an hour ago. Her inner muscles had been stretched and exercised, and Lauren was feeling the effects already.
    As she leaned over the counter, scrubbing at an invisible spot, her mind working feverishly, Logan came up behind her and she felt the hair pulled from her neck and his hot mouth on her skin.
    Her hand stilled as a wave of heat transmitted itself from his body to hers.
    She sucked in a breath as she felt his teeth sink into her skin as his hands reached around and enclosed her breasts.
    She jerked in his arms and moaned softly. He tweaked her already tender nipples, and his mouth on her neck, just short of pain, was inducing a flood of moisture between her thighs that begged her to let him have his way in this. Lauren tried to capture a thought, any thought, but couldn't and only fell into the pleasure that his embrace induced.
    After the episode in the bedroom, she 'd dressed in t-shirt and shorts, and now, she felt him drag her shorts and underwear down her legs. There was no need for him to seduce her; she was way beyond that.
    Her cloth es pooled around her ankles, and when he instructed her to step out of them, she did as he said without question.
    She heard his zipper come undone, and the rustle of a condom, and within seconds, he was pushing into her from behind. He held her hips in his hands, and instantaneously, she flooded with wet heat. Seconds after he bottomed out within her, she contracted around him, and he groaned, and then began sliding in and out in a rhythm that sent ecstasy shooting through her body.
    It took only a minute of his hard strokes, and Lauren felt the wave sweep over her and she began coming. His teeth bit into her neck harder, and as his hands stilled on her hips and he held her grasped to him in a merciless grip, Lauren knew that they were coming together.
    Fifteen minutes later, Lauren sat on the sofa in a daze. She'd cleaned up quickly in her small bathroom, and then moved out of his way so that he could do the same.
    She picked up the remote while she waited for him, and absently began surfing through the channels, paying absolutely not a whit of attention

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