Public Enemies

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Book: Public Enemies by Ann Aguirre Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ann Aguirre
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ran for our lives.

    Even with me on his back, Kian ran like all the devils in hell were chasing us. I clung to his shoulders and tried not to think about what would happen if they caught us. The halls were still dark and ominous with pounding footfalls echoing behind us along with the grunts and moans of excited beasts. This might just be getting them more worked up but we had to get out of here. The Harbinger needed to cool down before I saw him again, presuming that was even possible. I might be on his shit list for all time now. He did say this kid is his favorite pet.
    Despite his injuries, the boy kept up with Kian, his breath coming in gasps that sounded like sobs. Otherwise he was eerily mute as he ran.
    Each step carried us closer to the front doors, but the scrape of claws was getting closer. I didn’t dare ask what would happen if they caught us. Something snagged my hair but Kian pressed forward and I stifled a cry as a hank tore free. My scalp stung but we didn’t stop, racing out into the crisp air toward the car. Somehow, it was still dark, lending credibility to Kian’s claim that we hadn’t been inside as long as I thought. He rounded the Mustang and set me down gently, then turned to the boy panting beside us.
    â€œGet in back.”
    Evidently he understood, though he still hadn’t spoken a word. He hopped in and Kian helped me into the passenger seat. A tide of monsters rushed down the drive toward us, and I pictured them literally tearing the car apart as Kian slid over the hood and bounced into the driver’s side. As he started the car, something with fangs and claws slammed the window. It shattered instantly, spraying me with powdery glass. He slammed the car into gear and executed a rapid 180, tires spitting gravel. We ran over a howling beast with a bang-thump and then we were racing down the private drive toward the road.
    Kian cut me a worried look. “You’re hurt. And it’s freezing in here. Just hang tight, Edie. I’ll get you to a hospital.”
    While I wanted to refuse, that would be stupid. My ankle needed to be x-rayed, and I wasn’t sure how bad the claw marks were. My head was feeling woozy, and the affected areas had gone numb, which couldn’t be normal. The doctor would probably be stymied about my wounds, which we might pass off as an animal attack, but what about the toxins in my bloodstream? Yet I couldn’t go without care.
    Shivering, I nodded. “What time is it?”
    â€œHalf past two.”
    Crap, I was definitely out past curfew. Yet I suspected my dad was sound asleep, none the wiser. “Seriously? But…”
    â€œI know, it felt like days.” He glanced over his shoulder at the kid huddled in back. “What’s your name? Where do you live?”
    Maybe he found Kian intimidating, so I tried. “I’m Edie. And you are…?”
    â€œHe called me Aaron.” The whisper was so faint I barely heard it.
    â€œBut that’s not your name?” I asked.
    Another pause. “I don’t remember. You don’t have to drive so fast. If the Harbinger didn’t mean for us to escape, we wouldn’t have.”
    The kid made a good point. “So the chase—”
    â€œWas for show,” Kian cut in.
    â€œI didn’t think he’d ever let me go,” the boy said softly. “He said I was supposed to live and die for his amusement.”
    A shiver rolled over me. The casual cruelty reminded me what sort of creature was in charge of protecting me—and I’d be insane to rely on him again as I had tonight. But I didn’t regret helping this kid get away. I just had no idea what we were supposed to do with him now. Surely his family’s reported him missing?
    â€œYou need to see a doctor too. I think your fingers are broken.” My words came out slurred, likely a result of the poison in my

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