Protector Of The Grove (Book 2)

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Book: Protector Of The Grove (Book 2) by Trevor H. Cooley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Trevor H. Cooley
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Yntri. Find out exactly what Edge can and can’t be told. You need to realize that Edge is a smart kid. We have a long trip ahead of us and if he can’t get information out of you, he’ll go to your brothers.”
    “I understand,” she said.
    “Good,” he said and looked out the warehouse doors at the slowly brightening sky. “I’m going to go get some breakfast. Then I’ll head over to the quartermaster and procure the supplies we need for the journey. I’m supposed to meet with the two academy students we’re bringing back with us as well.”
    “I will think on what you have said,” she replied.
    Hilt nodded and walked out of the warehouse. As she watched him go, Jhonate felt very tired. The tangled web created by all her different loyalties was hard to navigate. The task ahead of her was going to be a difficult one indeed.

Chapter Four
    Willum Odd Blade stepped out of the door to his small house and took a deep breath of the frosty air. He forced a smile. Coal’s Keep was home. He could smell it in the air even in the dead of winter. Why then was he feeling so unsettled?
    He turned down the keep’s central road and walked towards the tall log gates. He passed the lodge where the workers were eating breakfast. The scent of fresh bread and sausages wafted through the air towards him, but he didn’t find the idea of joining everyone for breakfast very appealing.
    Willum paused and looked at the lodge doors. Why was that? The morning meal at Becca’s table was usually one of the highlights of the day. He could hear the men laughing. For some reason the sound soured his stomach. He shuddered and turned back towards the gates.
    Morning, Willum, said Tolivar through the bond. He was inside the lodge eating. Willum could faintly taste the eggs. You going to come in and eat ?
    The veteran warrior’s thoughts were strong, almost too loud. So different from Coal’s. He’d been given Willum’s bond almost a year ago and Willum still wasn’t used to it yet.
    No. I’m not hungry right now. I’ll come back and eat after my patrol is over, he replied, knowing that Tolivar would sense that there was more to it. He also knew that Tolivar wouldn’t press him on the matter. That was another thing different from him and Coal. Tolivar was more laid back. He cared for Willum, but was willing to give him his space. Coal would have prodded the truth of the matter from him.
    What’s your plan for the day after your patrolling is done ? Tolivar asked.
    I don’t know. Maybe I’ll see if Lenny or Bettie need my help .
    You could do that if you don’t mind losing your hearing , Tolivar replied. He had a point. Between the clang of the forge, Bettie and Lenny’s shouting, and the baby’s constant squalling, most folk stayed away. I’m hoping to do some training later. You want to spar ?
    That was yet another way in which Willum’s new bonding wizard was different. Before the Bowl of Souls had named him as a wizard, Tolivar had been Tamboor the Fearless, one of the most well respected warriors ever to come out of the Battle Academy. He was ex-head of the berserker guild and one of the most famous swordsmen in the kingdom. The man was a legend. This also meant that their sparring sessions could get a little embarrassing.
    Sure, probably , Willum said.
    Tolivar sent Willum a mental chuckle. You’re getting much better, you know .
    Yeah, I know , Willum replied. And he was. Tolivar was a bit distant, but he was a good teacher. In the time since the war had ended, Willum had made great improvements with his strange two-handed style, though he still hadn’t been able to beat Tolivar.
    Alright. I’ll see you later, then .
    Later , Willum replied and headed out the gate.
    Once outside the keep’s protective walls, the wind hit Willum with a chilling blast. The winters here weren’t as cold as the ones he had been through at the academy, but he still stopped for a moment to wrap his scarf around his neck and tighten

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