Prizefight: The Hell Raiders MC Goes MMA

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Book: Prizefight: The Hell Raiders MC Goes MMA by Aden Lowe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aden Lowe
would need at most five minutes before they came to take me apart, so I had no time to waste. To my surprise, Elena waited for me just inside the door. With no time for explanations, I grabbed my bag and her arm and got the hell out of there.
    "Ditch those fucking shoes and come on."
    She followed orders surprisingly well for a female, and by the time we reached my bike, she already had her dress up and ready to climb on. I kept my bag over my shoulder, just in case I needed the .45 inside, and started the Harley. She held on tight as I got us the fuck out of there.

Chapter Six

    Why did I even ask him for help? Sure, no other john has had the least bit of concern for me, and Ryker helped me the first time by letting me go with him. But this time, I knew it would put him in danger, and I still asked.
    And he ignored me. My heart stopped when he seemed to not even see me there with the Russian. In that moment, I had no doubt, I wouldn't see the morning.
    And when the chance came, when Ryker chose to rescue me? I sure as fuck didn't turn it down. After my last date, I knew nothing but a miracle could save me and my mom. That night when I got home, she hadn't been there. Royse had taken her and left nothing but a note telling me she was safe as long as I played nice. Apparently, playing nice meant letting my date kill me.
    A shiver ran through me despite the warmth of the night. I guess I'd stopped playing nice. As far as I knew, they'd killed her already, but if they hadn't, Royse would give the order after what happened at the fights. Either way, I was no good to her dead.
    For the moment, all I could do was concentrate on staying behind Ryker and hoping I lived through the night ahead. In the morning, I would have to find some kind of answer.
    Not even ten minutes from the factory, Ryker slowed his bike and pulled off the road. I raised my cheek off his back to look around, my heart pounding with fear. Or had I jumped from the frying pan into the fire? After all, I really knew nothing about Ryker, except he was amazing in bed. Or had Royse's men caught up so soon?
    But no, there was nothing around. No lights. No traffic. No buildings. Just empty countryside stretched away in the dim moonlight. A new chill chased itself down my spine as I realized exactly how small and vulnerable I was in the middle of all this nothing.
    Ryker shut the bike off. "Okay, climb off real quick. I need to get dressed in case we hit trouble." His words made me feel foolish for being afraid of him. Wearing nothing but the shorts he wore for the fight, of course he needed clothes.
    As soon as I was off the bike, he climbed off and stripped out of his shorts. "What happened back there? Who was that guy?" He pulled clothes out of his bag and started putting them on.
    I shook my head. "I only know him as the Russian. He's one of Royse's mob connections, I think. What little I know about him, or Royse, for that matter, comes from the other girls. Sometimes we actually get a chance to talk."
    "Tell me."
    "Girls that leave the fights with the Russian are never seen again. Royse owes him, or at least, fears him. He didn't even put up a fight when the Russian wanted his niece, even though she wasn't part of the line-up. Just handed her over with a smile. She never came back, either." I didn't know what else to tell him, so I waited and shivered.
    He dragged his shirt over his head. "Okay. Hold that thought." He dug around in one of the bags on the back of his bike and made a satisfied noise as he held up a cellphone about like mine. "Knew I kept that bitch in there for a reason." He powered the phone up, and as bad as I wanted to ask what he was doing, I held it while he punched in a number. "Hey, man, it's me. Got a little situation. Meet me at the trestle in thirty?"
    Without waiting for a reply, he turned the phone off and pulled it apart. The battery went back in his bag, while the phone itself hit the pavement to be crushed under his

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