Prince of Fate (Lions of Pride Island Book 2)

Read Online Prince of Fate (Lions of Pride Island Book 2) by Terry Bolryder - Free Book Online

Book: Prince of Fate (Lions of Pride Island Book 2) by Terry Bolryder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Terry Bolryder
beneath her panties to stimulate her directly. He could feel how hot, how wet she was for him, and his cock twitched at the thought of being inside her.
    Easy, tiger, he told himself, his finger finding her clit immediately and moving into a slow, languorous rhythm over her as he licked over her breasts. She writhed beneath him, still held by his left hand, her inability to move away from the indulgence only quickening the build of her arousal.
    He could feel her getting close, could hear each bated breath as she tried to hold back her body’s response to his touch. He continued to stroke over her clit, her wetness allowing him to slide smoothly, enhancing the contact, as he moved back to her neck, placing small kisses there.
    “No holding back on me,” he whispered into her ear, her body almost buzzing with tension as she teetered on the precipice of release. Then with one slow, impossibly long stroke, she fell over the edge.
    Immediately, he let go of her hands, and she wrapped around him, grasping him with all her strength as she screamed his name, her words catching in her throat, then resuming again as her body rocked with an incredible orgasm.
    Cain just held her as she came, reveling in her release as she slowly relaxed in his arms.
    By the time she was back to normal, Cain was already pulling off her jeans and panties, hungry to taste his mate and make her come again. Brenna had no complaints, just sighed with satisfaction and relaxed deeper into the sheets as he moved, ready to receive whatever he would give.
    Cain pulled off his shirt, then spread Brenna’s legs as he lowered his mouth over her center, the warmth of her body radiating upward, as he could already feel her becoming more aroused just in anticipation of what he was going to do. He rested her legs on his shoulders, her silky skin making contact with him, then placed a single kiss at her apex.
    Her back arched against him and her hands dug into her thick curls, trying to hold back the incredible wave of sensation Cain could tell was moving over her at even that slight touch.
    “A little too intense?” he asked.
    She just responded with a nod, biting her lower lip as her hands dug into the sheets, trying to find something to hold on to. Instinctively, sensing his mate’s need, Cain reached up and held both her wrists at her sides, pinning her down as he lowered himself once more over her.
    This time there was no escaping every beautiful, pleasurable sensation.
    He licked up against her clit, long and slowly, and this time she moaned loudly as she relaxed into the intensity of it, letting the wave of pleasure wash over her rather than trying to push through it. He licked again, and she nearly came, her body unable to hold back the tide.
    For a moment, he let her relax, placing small kisses along the sides of her soft thighs, making her quiver lightly. Her beautiful curves surrounded him on every side, and even though she was close to the edge, he couldn’t help but admire how hot she was, especially more so with nothing on.
    He could literally do this all day. But the last thing he wanted to do was torture his mate.
    At least not too much.
    Even with his light touches, she was drawn tighter than a wire now, her breath racing, her body begging to be released. He answered, letting his tongue plunder her clit, first by doing small circles around it, then stroking his tongue along it over and over until she was pushed past the limits of her self-control.
    Again, she came, this time her legs wrapping around him and her fingers digging into his wrists as he held her, letting her experience every ounce of pleasure from her incredible release.
    By the time she was finally finished, giving out a long, pleasured sigh signaling the end of her orgasm, Cain was painfully hard. Something about her satisfaction drove him into a frenzy. A frenzy of need for her and only her.
    Suddenly, Cain felt the end of his belt unthread through the buckle, and he looked down to

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