
Read Online PrimeDefender by Ann Jacobs - Free Book Online

Book: PrimeDefender by Ann Jacobs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ann Jacobs
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way it came about.”
    The doctor’s expression was one of
sympathy. “Perhaps you should share this new knowledge with your wife. It might
help her understand your feelings. How is her weight-loss program going?”
    Matt grinned. “She’s met her goal. I’ll be
going back to being my submissive self as soon as we can gather a few good
friends together to witness the renewal of our vows.”
    “Isn’t four years a pretty short a time to
have passed before renewingvows?”
    “We’ve been married just four years, but
it’s been more than six since she collared me. We switched places this last
year while we tackled her weight loss together. Her dominance and my
submission—that’s the vow we’ll be renewing. You don’t understand the BDSM
lifestyle, Doc, but it suits both of us just fine.” Matt stood and held out his
hand. “I need to go meet Keisha now.”
    “Good luck. You’ve come a long way.
Congratulations,” the doctor said as he walked Matt out of his office.

Chapter Four
    As they’d done six years ago, Matt and
Keisha sat across from each other, only this time it was at the conference
table in Keisha’s office at their house rather than the dinette set in his
bachelor digs at a Savannah condominium. Instead of the pizza and beer they’d
enjoyed back then, they snacked on a tray of fruits and veggies with assorted
dips, with sparkling water to wash it down.
    “I’m afraid I’m gonna always miss the
pizza,” Keisha said, making a face at the carrot stick and dip she was about to
put in her mouth. “How about you?”
    He looked up from her list of demands and
grinned. “If it will keep you on the straight and narrow, I’ll gladly eat
healthy and supplement my diet with protein drinks whenever I’m feeling
starved. Have you had a chance to go through my wish list?”
    “I’ve looked at them. I’ve got no
objections as long as you’re okay with mine.” She noticed he’d called his
demands a “wish list” instead of what they were, but she found she didn’t mind.
“Do you?”
    “Not at all, Mistress. I went ahead and
drafted a new contract, just in case you’d be okay with what I want.”
    She liked that Matt was still submissive,
but also that he’d gotten over the need to be punished for things he now
understood and realized had never been his fault. Slipping reading glasses on,
she began to peruse the document Matt had prepared.
    On Sunday, the sixth of April, six years
since the covenant of dominance and submission was entered into between
Mistress Keisha Harris and slave matthias rubin, we reaffirm our desire that
our lives be intertwined forever as treasured Mistress and beloved slave. Today
we celebrate the love that has sustained us in bad times and let us share good
times, and we promise we will always treasure our relationship as we have up
until now. We promise to support each other in our search for sexual, emotional
and intellectual fulfillment, always trying to bring out the best in ourselves
and each other.
    To that end, slave promises Mistress his
complete obedience in all things sexual and his support, protection and honor
in his every action, confirming the vows he made at the time of his collaring.
He promises further never to use his superior physical strength against her and
grants permission for her to punish him physically and emotionally in any way
that may give her pleasure. Finally, slave vows he will take every possible
step to enable his Mistress to bear his child.
    Mistress promises slave her love and
protection, and her sexual domination which shall not include unearned physical
punishment or unjustified restraint of his sexual performance but shall include
any actions which bring pleasure to herself or slave.
    May our renewed vows add strength to the
home we have built together. May it always be a home full of love, and may we
continue celebrating the passage of time and life with joy. Because our love
has grown in wisdom through sickness and health,

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