PRIMAL Inception
his glass. “Ah, Vance. If I’d known you were in Kosovo, I would have invited you.”
    “That’s a nice thought, Zahir, but I’m only passing through. Just dropped by to get Ice. We’ve got another meeting. Ain’t that right, bud.”
    Ice stared Zahir in the eye as he rose. “Yes, unfortunately.”
    “It’s been a pleasure.” Zahir lifted his glass. “Drop by any time.”
    “We will.” Ice followed Vance out the front door and across to where the 4Runner was parked next to the Land Cruiser.
    “You OK?”
    He exhaled deeply. “Yep.”
    “That bastard was trying to bait you.”
    “Thanks for stepping in.”
    “That’s what partners are for, bud. What’s our game plan now?”
    “I’ll meet with the OSCE. See what they say.”
    If anyone was going to be interested in Zahir and his atrocities, Ice thought, it would be the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. The OSCE was responsible for administering the upcoming elections and was working closely with the UN to ensure Kosovo transitioned to a stable and legitimately run country.
    Ice left Vance at the CIA compound to run the HUMINT audit and arrived at the OSCE’s makeshift office alone. He handed the Zahir file to the woman at the reception area and was told to wait. Thirty minutes later, his patience had worn thin and the constant scream of a circular saw being used by builders renovating the office was getting on his nerves.
    Finally, a middle-aged woman dressed in a business suit appeared at the door to the staff offices. “Mr. Anderson?”
    Ice rose in response to his cover name. “That’s me.”
    “Come this way, please.” She ushered him along a short corridor and into her office. “Please excuse the noise. They’re building us additional offices for the election.”
    Ice sat in a chair facing her desk.
    She took her own seat. “Who did you say you worked for, Mr. Anderson?”
    “I’m with the US State Department.”
    She looked over her glasses at him. “Oh, that’s interesting. Well, I’ve run my eye over your Zahir Jashami file.”
    “It’s Jashari,” Ice corrected her.
    She glanced down at the file. “So it is. Well I’ve looked at the file and am afraid it won’t preclude him from running in the elections.”
    Ice gritted his teeth. “He’s a war criminal.”
    “No, he’s only been accused of committing crimes. According to my database, he hasn’t been formally investigated or prosecuted. In fact, from what I’ve seen in the UN records he was responsible for saving an American pilot, and the defeat of a particularly nasty Serbian death squad. So I hope you can understand why the OSCE cannot simply ban him from running in the elections.”
    At a loss for words, Ice stared at her. He felt like a schoolboy being disciplined by a high school headmistress.
    “Furthermore, from what I understand, the UN have earmarked him as being a highly suitable candidate. He’s one of a handful of leaders who has the support base and respect to keep Kosovo from tearing itself apart.”
    Ice shook his head in disbelief. “Do your records show that he owns brothels and is an active member of the Albanian mafia?”
    “More speculation, Mr. Anderson. Also, I believe your own government is supportive of his contention and your Ambassador has given his blessing.”
    “I’ve got an ongoing investigation into his criminal activities. If that was included in the report along with evidence of Zahir’s mafia links, would that be enough?”
    The woman gave him a cold look. “I believe your efforts would be best put to use elsewhere. Unless there is a dramatic change in circumstances, Mr. Jashari will be running in the elections.”
    Ice rose. “Thank you for your time.”
    “My pleasure.”
    He strode out of the office, struggling with the urge to punch something.
    Back at her desk the OSCE woman flicked through the file again. This ‘Mr. Anderson’ was thorough to say the least. There were photos, maps, link

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