Primal Heat

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Book: Primal Heat by Crystal Jordan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Crystal Jordan
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hook up with the Sueni rescue party? So many complications, so many ways everything could and probably would go wrong.
    She pulled in a deep breath, forcing herself to remain calm. This plan would work. It had to. People who didn’t even know the danger they were in yet were counting on her.
    God, she was tired. Her eyes were gritty, her body heavy and sluggish. A chill mountain breeze whipped through her clothes, and she stretched her hands toward the fire for warmth. Farid’s razer lay across her lap, within easy reach. She needed sleep, but she couldn’t let her guard down while Farid was gone. Hell, she wasn’t even sure she could let her guard down while he was with her. A shiver ran down her skin, and she did her best to squelch it. She was too old to be this twitter-pated over a guy—the better part of two decades dating military men should have cured her of any illusions she had left about them.
    He’d seen the opportunity to fuck her and he’d taken it. She hadn’t done a damn thing to resist him. The power of it still shook her, scared her, and pissed her off even more. At him and at herself. She shouldn’t have wanted it so much, but they both clearly had, and their lack of focus had almost gotten them both killed. More than their lives were at stake here, so they couldn’t afford to lose it again. This was one mission that could not fail. She wouldn’t let her sacrifice of everything she’d ever worked for be in vain.
    A twig snapped to her left, and she had his gun in her hand before the feline Farid broke through the trees. His black-and-white-striped fur made him stand out in stark contrast to the rich brown earth and deep green leaves of the forest around them. He didn’t belong here. Alien.
    Two rabbits hung from his mouth, blood dripping from his fangs. His gaze locked on her in that unsettling way only cats could manage. Her heart tripped and then raced. She felt trapped, hunted. Swallowing, she fought the urge to flee and slid his razer into her ankle holster. It was an awkward fit, but it stayed, and she felt better for having the weapon. Then she lifted her chin to stare back at him. The feral side of his nature shone from his eyes, and they gleamed like mirrors when the firelight hit them.
    He approached her and dropped the rabbits at her feet. Take care of these, if you would.
    The smooth, polite voice in her head was so at odds with the wildness she saw before her. She swallowed. “I wasn’t sure you’d come back.”
    He tilted his head, a subtle tension running through his muscles. I said I was hunting for your food. Would I not have to return to give it to you?
    His tone made her insides twinge with guilt. Clenching her teeth, she fisted her fingers in the legs of her jeans. His feelings were of no concern to her. “Why don’t you go wash up in the stream? I’ll get the food ready.”
    Fine. The betrayed timbre turned icy and clipped, and she knew he was not happy with her.
    It shouldn’t have bothered her. She shouldn’t want to make the man happy, but she couldn’t deny—at least to herself—that it disturbed her.
    Considering he’d been her enemy only hours before, she had no real reason to trust him. Getting rid of Arthur was a benefit to him, and she wasn’t going to fool herself by thinking that a little sex, mental or physical, would change that he and his emperor would keep her around only as long as she was useful in achieving their aim. They’d said they were here to get a woman, a very specific woman that they hadn’t found yet. She could only pray that wasn’t a lie and that she wasn’t handing her planet over to a worse fate than Arthur had in mind for it. However, if they were lying, why hadn’t they attacked yet? Or counterattacked after Arthur had brought one of the Sueni ships down?
    Her headache gave an especially vicious throb, so she gave up on going

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