she breathed. He wasn’t serious. He couldn’t be. “Take them off.” He leaned back in his chair, looking annoyed that he had to repeat himself, crossing his feet at the ankles, his arms over his chest. Kelsey blinked, a part of her screaming that she should run straight to human resources and report this, but her hands moved to her hemline, trying to negotiate a way of taking her striped stockings off without having to pull her skirt up, and she couldn’t think of one. If the thought of being spanked over his desk had been humiliating, this was far worse. Now she had to face him, watch the corner of his mouth twitch, almost a smile, as she realized she couldn’t do this without hefting her skirt up to hook her thumbs into the elastic tops of her tights. Maybe he’s making you take them off so he can spank you? The thought was horrifying. And exciting beyond words.
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