Possession: Immortal Protectors, Book 3 ((Immortal Protectors))

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Book: Possession: Immortal Protectors, Book 3 ((Immortal Protectors)) by H.M. McQueen Read Free Book Online
Authors: H.M. McQueen
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Brought before him as punishment for failing in whatever menial task his guards assigned them, two humans kneeled on the floor. The woman shook, barely able to keep from fainting. In between sobs she managed to plead for mercy. The male wasn’t as accommodating, hatred filled eyes glared at the guard who stood over him.
    One of the worst things about living for centuries was boredom. A side effect of being there, seeing it all, and no fucking T-shirt.
    Gerard contemplated what to do with the humans. Already weakened by staying up past dawn he could care less what transpired with them, although his mouth watered to feed from the hapless idiots. Glancing down at the defiant male, he sneered. “Bring him to me, I will feed from him as punishment.”
    Known for his cruelty, it was clearly not what the guards expected. Two demons exchanged surprised looks, but didn’t dare show any type of expression as they picked the man up and dragged him over to Gerard.
    The fool tried to struggle, but was easily overcome. One guard turned the male’s head and offered their master the exposed neck. Gerard’s fangs instantly snapped down and he sunk them into the helpless male’s vein, the lifeblood seeping into him. He almost moaned at the strength entering his body, but forced himself to remain stoic as he drank more than normally necessary. Wearing only jogging pants, the man's erection bulged as an after effect of a vampire feeding.  Gerard felt himself harden at the sight. Only when the male stopped writhing, not only from the pleasure of his feeding, but blood loss, did Gerard finally stop.
    He motioned for them to bring the female next and fed from her as well. Once sated, he drew a satisfied breath. "Take them and lock them in the cells in the basement. I will ponder as to what type of punishment they will be given. I want to try something creative." Watching the hapless people being dragged out, he savored the renewed strength in his body. Strength surged from the blood, how he hated that it was fleeting.
    Soon he’d be forced to take another’s body as his current one —the one he’d been born in —grew weaker by the day.
    Carlo, his second in command, walked into the room. The young high-level demon, who never bothered to hide his desire to become the next Master, dismissed the demon guards with a loud growl. Only Gerard’s two trusted guards remained, standing behind him. It was understood by all they never left his side.
    Carlo eyed them without emotion before talking to Gerard. “I am told a new Protector, Logan West, has been added to the force here in Atlanta.”
    Gerard shrugged, unconcerned. “I have heard of him. He was one of the few that survived our attacks in Texas, in the eighteen hundreds. Why do you think the Roman chooses to increase their numbers now?” He watched Carlo with interest not delving into his thoughts, saving his energy.
    The high-level pondered the question. “He lives with the other Protector, the Brit. From what my spies gathered, one of the Fraser brothers, Kieran, went away for a time, so perhaps that is why,” Carlo said.
    Satisfied that Carlo didn’t suspect the fast depletion of his powers, he dismissed him feigning boredom at the news. "Go speak to those returning from the city, ask if they saw or noticed anything different."
    Maybe Julian knew about the marking. The Roman no doubt had become aware that Fallon was marked for possession. Smiling, he stood and stretched. Perhaps this was a good time to visit his future host.
    A burst of activity caught his attention outside the doorway. His two guards tried to stop Sebastian as the incubus entered his office flinging the low-level demons aside without much effort. Sitting back down, Gerard motioned for the guards to allow his uninvited visitor entry.
    “This is a surprise—you never come unless forced to. What brings you here today incubus?”
    Sebastian’s black eyes met his and he sensed that what brought him would not be

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