
Read Online Possessed by Kira Saito - Free Book Online

Book: Possessed by Kira Saito Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kira Saito
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that the front porch was fully lit and its white marble floor
gleamed ethereally. The guests were huddled together in a drunken
stupor while they enjoyed one final cocktail before
    As we got closer to the porch, I could
see Grand-mere and Aunt Mae scowling. Their matching billowy white
dresses made them appear almost angelic as they watched us approach
the porch. Mrs. Dreaux shook her head in disapproval once she
spotted me and even Tony looked horribly repulsed. What a jerk. I
couldn’t remember one reason why I had been so obsessed with him
last summer aside from the fact that he was hot.
    “ Heavens, what on earth has
happened to all of you?” asked Aunt Mae. She and Grand-mere came
flying down the steps once they saw the messy, muddy and slightly
bloody state we were all in.
    I shrugged. “We…”
    “ We took a tour of the
cemetery,” said Ivan, as he placed his arms around me and drew me
close. “Arelia was going to let you know, but she got distracted.”
He winked.
    Screw you!! Ass. I did not get
    “ Yeah, I wanted to see the
cemetery and then I accidently fell and slipped into this weird
hole,” said Sabrina.
    “ Why in heavens would you
run off to the cemetery at this hour?” Grand-mere looked at
Sabrina. Her expression was severe and disapproving.
    “ I drank a Hurricane and got
lost.” She shrugged.
    I eyed her carefully. Her lips weren’t
trembling or anything, which meant that she was telling the truth.
She actually didn’t remember anything that had happened.
    “ Everything’s okay now,”
said Lucus. “No harm done.”
    Aunt Mae examined us warily before
speaking. “Arelia, Sabrina, upstairs right now, the both of you,”
she turned her attention to Sabrina. “Both of you go on and take a
spiritual bath. Now. And you too,” she said, as she focused her
furious green-eyes on Ivan. Her voice was harsh and
    “ But-” I wanted to tell her
about Papa Ghede’s ominous warning. Maybe she could help me figure
out what he had meant.
    “ Now,” she
    “ Okay.” I guess I would have
to wait. I had no intention of messing with her. She was damn scary
when she was angry. Besides, by now, I knew that she knew what she
was talking about. Something had happened out in that cemetery, and
if I had any hope of reversing it or fending off the attack, the
best way to do so was by taking a spiritual bath.
    “ I have no idea what a
spiritual bath is,” said Ivan innocently, as he gave me wide grin.
“Not really versed in the whole voodoo/hoodoo lingo.”
    “ Arelia, help the poor boy
out,” said Aunt Mae.
    Poor boy! Yeah right!
    “ Whatever,” I muttered, as I
lowered my head and grabbed Sabrina by the hand and dragged her
inside the house and into Aunt Mae’s office. I needed to gather
supplies for the bath, and fast.
    “ What the hell, Arelia!” she
whined, as she tried to shake loose. “This place is creepy,” she
said, as she glanced around the office.
    “ Sabrina, I don’t care if
you’re pissed at me. For once in your life you have to just listen
and stop whining.”
    “ What is going on?” she
asked, still pouting. “I’m not talking to you, by the way,” she
said, as I shut the office door behind me.
    “ Fine, don’t talk to me,
whatever, but listen to me. Something lured you to the cemetery and
whatever it was probably was beyond creepy, and I think that it’s
attached itself to you.”
    She didn’t say anything. Her lips were
pursed in a tight, hard line as she looked at me with utter fury.
“You sound insane. I was angry, drank too much rum and accidently
got lost. I was on my way back to the party and ended up in the
cemetery. Nothing lured me there.”
    I took a deep breath and tried to
ignore the dull headache that had returned. “How can you explain
being buried alive?”
    So much drama, queen. All of this
teenage angst can be eased if you get out of here. Is it really
worth sticking around and defending a

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