Portrait of Jealousy (The Art Models Club Book 2)

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Book: Portrait of Jealousy (The Art Models Club Book 2) by Amanda Meadows Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Meadows
has to pick him up.”
    Caleb dropped his backpack on the floor and headed for the refrigerator.
    Amber watched him, curious as to what he would say about the bags of snacks.
    Caleb took one look and then twisted his head back to look at Amber. He sighed.
    “I wish I could say that this surprises me, but it doesn't.”
    Amber walked over and they studied the typed labels together.
    “So . . . we are going to just pretend that this is normal behavior?”
    Caleb shrugged and tucked one fist beneath his chin.
    “I look at it this way. Hunter is a confirmed control freak.”
    Amber nodded her head in agreement.
    “But on the flip side, he doesn't appear to be involved in the mafia.”
    Caleb grinned.
    Amber laughed and nudged him.
    “ Okay, so ignoring the control freak behavior it is.”
    Caleb suddenly looked stricken and began to root through the fridge.
    “Hey, I just noticed that he didn't leave anything in here for me!”
    He sniffed dramatically.
    “He finds the one girls of his dreams and then casts me aside like a . . .like a . . .like an old cell phone!”
    “ Aw, poor thing!”
    Amber couldn't wait any longer.
    “Why don't I take you to get some cheap fast food for dinner.”
    She smacked the insurance card down on the counter.
    “I feel a need to take the Range Rover for a spin.”
    Caleb's eyes gleamed.
    “I know just the place.”
    He looked around as though expecting someone to overhear them.
    “A certain someone who shall remain unnamed always stops me from eating there.”
    “ Really? There must be some incredible, mouth watering, greasy food there.”
    Amber grinned.
    “Enough to give somebody a heart attack,” Caleb said happily.
    “ And there is nothing that a certain person can do to stop us!”
    Amber gave Caleb a high five.
    “Just give me a second to grab my purse. I'm starving!”
    An hour later, Amber groaned as they headed back home.
    “Ugh! I'm starting to question our sanity in eating there.”
    Caleb looked up, apparently not feeling much better.
    “It was a difficult job. But it had to be done,” he said grimly.
    He belched loudly.
    “Um. . . excuse me!”
    Amber laughed.
    “I agree the meal had to be eaten. And it was excellent all the way until it hit my stomach.”
    She rubbed her belly.
    “But I think I'm starting to appreciate the wisdom of Hunter's meal plans.”
    Caleb clapped his hands over his ears.
    “No! I refuse to be indoctrinated!”
    Amber laughed. Her stomach wasn't feeling great but it was certainly in good enough shape to take the long way home. The Range Rover was proving to be a pleasure to drive.

Chapter 10
    The first day of art class without Hunter seemed like the worst. Amber had never even realized how much she cherished the odd little moments when he would simply walk by her easel and brush against her elbow or share a secret smile. The new TA, Jessica, was nice enough. If Amber was being fair, she would have admitted that Jessica's quiet, thoughtful comments were quite perceptive. But of course, Amber wasn't being fair because she didn't want Jessica.
    She wanted Hunter, plain and simple. She wanted Hunter's mesmerizing green eyes that made her melt beneath his gaze. She wanted to press her head against his taut chest. She ached to run her fingers through his thick, wavy hair. Even the paint and turpentine smell of the classroom reminded her of Hunter.
    The model that day was an older gentleman. As soon as he walked into the room with his robe, Megan moved over to nudge Amber's shoulder.
    “Oh, my gosh, he's one of the ones from this summer!” she whispered so that only Amber could hear.
    Amber smiled, remembering that Megan had not been impressed with the male models from her summer drawing course.
    As soon as the man disrobed, Amber could see why. Her first thought was shock at the amount of body hair everywhere except on the poor man's head. His perfectly round head was as lustrous as a polished bowling ball. Sneaking a look at her

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