Plush Book 3: A Billionaire Romance

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Book: Plush Book 3: A Billionaire Romance by KB Winters Read Free Book Online
Authors: KB Winters
was dark outside the windows. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and checked the time. It was seven p.m. I was suddenly wide awake from my afternoon nap and decided to go in to the office and get some work done. I knew Cooper would be gone for the evening, and I had a key card to let myself in at any time, so I figured it would be a good time to go and be productive without any distractions. In the back of my mind, I was also well aware that whoever had hacked the system the day before may have been plotting another attack and I would rest easier knowing the data was all safe and accounted for, even though I figured Cooper would have already seen to it that someone was watching the data like a hawk, 24/7.
    I got on Cherry Bomb and drove downtown. I parked in the garage and hurried to the Brighton Enterprises tower. As suspected, everything was dark and quiet as I slid my key card into the front door of the building. I rounded the corner to the elevator banks and waited for a car to descend. It was almost eerily quiet as I stood there, the sound of me nervously tapping foot echoing around me.
    Finally, the elevator arrived and I punched the button and rode up.
    As soon as I stepped off, I realized I’d made a mistake. I’d accidentally pushed the button for the floor that Cooper’s office was on, not the IT department.
    “Smooth, Allie. Get your mind off of him for two seconds…” I chided myself under my breath.
    I spun around again and was about to board the elevator, to go down one floor, when I heard a sound down the hallway.
    I stopped, frozen in place, at the sound of voices drifting from somewhere nearby.
    My heart raced as I instantly recognized one as Cooper’s, but the other voice, I couldn’t place.
    It was definitely female…and giggling…
    That son of a bitch.

Chapter Nine
    The elevator doors slid open but I stepped away and let the doors close again, without me inside.
    If that two-timing filth thought he could fuck me in the morning and then bring some hoochie up less than twenty-four hours later to bang in his office after hours, he had no idea who he was messing with.
    I’d put up with a lot of shit from men in the past. My most recent ex, Marx, had been crowned the king of douche bags—or so I’d thought.
    He might have some competition now. I crept down the hall towards the voices, staying as close to the wall as possible. The hallways were only halfway lit up, as if in some kind of energy saving, night mode. Light enough to see, but there were shadows that made it a lot easier to sneak around.
    “Oh, Mr. Brighton, you are a bad boy,” the female voice trilled.
    “You are a bad boy,” I mocked under my breath. Hot waves of rage coursed over me as I heard Cooper’s throaty laugh in response. My hands fisted at my sides and it took a whole lotta willpower to keep from sprinting the rest of the way and tackling whoever the bitch was that was daring to flirt with Cooper.
    Logically, I knew I should be far angrier at Cooper, but the sound of her voice was like nails on a chalkboard to me and drove me to a new peak of anger that I hadn’t imagined myself capable of before.
    “Now, now Tessa, all I’m asking for is a little discretion,” Cooper said.
    I held back a gag. A horde of scenarios were whipping through my mind as I crept closer and closer to the voices. I needed to see who he was talking to, to see what they were doing, but a part of me also wanted to turn and run. The idea of finding him fucking—or about to fuck—another woman would be more than my fragile heart could take. Especially knowing that this morning, we had been together and it had been so intense and full of meaning.
    At least, for me...he probably hadn’t even showered yet. Yuck!
    “All right, I promise to keep our little meeting a secret. Now, tell me, what can I do for you, Mr. Brighton?”
    Whoever this woman was, she could teach a master’s level course in seduction. Just the sound of her voice and the

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