Playing Hard: A Bad Boy Sports Romance

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Book: Playing Hard: A Bad Boy Sports Romance by Eve Maddox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eve Maddox
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know you’re a virgin. And I want you to be prepared for this.”
    “Oh God,” I sob, as his fingers quirk inside me, sending white hot sparks all down my nerves. “I’m ready. Please. I want you so much…”
    His fingers speed up, pressing against me in just the right way, finding the right spot inside me.
    “I’m going to make you come so hard,” he tells me. “Over and over and over again. By the time I’m finished, you won’t be able to stand up straight.”
    I dig my fingers into my forearms. Wave after wave of pleasure washes over me as Riley’s fingers move inside me, making my knees grow weak.
    Dizziness overtakes me as I’m pushed closer and closer to the edge, so ready to tumble over and crash.
    “Riley,” I say, my voice a whisper, struggling out of my throat. “I’m close, I’m so close…”
    I whine as he withdraws his fingers.
    “Why did you — please don’t stop —” I begin to say, then gasp as I feel the blunt head of his cock, hot against my soaking wet lips.
    “Oh, don’t worry,” Riley says from behind me, his hands gripping my hips. “We’re not nearly finished yet.”
    I squeeze my eyes shut, a shudder running along the whole length of my body as —
    I’m thrown out of my daydream in the most horrible way possible, as a guy with the worst BO I’ve ever smelled shoves his way past me to get out into the aisle. I blink in shock, realizing that class is over: I’ve sex dreamed my way through the whole thing. People with more patience than the BO guy are waiting for me to get up so they can leave and go to their other classes.
    Feeling myself blushing scarlet, I fumble to get my stack of books together, before rising and rushing out into the aisle with them clutched to my chest.
    Oh my God. Oh my God.
    I have never felt more humiliated in my life — even though I know, reasonably, that no one knows why exactly I was so distracted. It’s not like they’re mind readers. They probably just thought I’d dozed off in class, which is not exactly all that uncommon when Professor Huxton is at the lectern.  
    Still, I hurry out of the lecture hall with my cheeks on fire, as if everyone must know exactly what was going on in my head.
    And the worst thing is, it hasn’t done a thing to calm me down.
    I’m still just as horny as before — more so, given the imaginary coitus interruptus.
    My panties are soaked right through.
    I’d dash back to my apartment right now for some alone time, if only I didn’t have a lunch date with Darcey and two of her friends from her political science program. It’s the last thing I feel like doing right now, but on the other hand, perhaps it would be the best thing to take my mind off Riley for a while. He's taking up way too much real estate in my head right now.
    As I make my way across campus, I try to do everything I can to put that stupid jock out of my mind. Drifting off into a sex fantasy about him in the middle of class is beyond gross. I should've been listening. Usually I'm a model student in that regard. The only notes I took today was to draw a little squiggle in the top right corner of my notepad. Super helpful. I'm only a couple of weeks into my masters program and I'm already drifting off in class.
    I determine I’m going to do better in future.
    Glancing at my watch, I realize I’m going to be late unless I hurry. Lunch is at some tiny, artisanal place Darcey loves, where all the food comes ‘deconstructed’ — or, in other words, not actually made into a meal. It just sits there in its constituent parts on a wooden board in a way I’ll never understand the appeal of. Still, my stomach is grumbling as I run up the steps to the doorway, looking around for Darcey. 
    And that’s when I notice it.
    I stop in the middle of unwinding my scarf from around my neck as I realize that every eye in the place is on me, every neck craned to try to get a better look. 
    I freeze for a moment, immediately thinking I must have made some

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