Playing for Kicks (Play Makers Book 5)

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Book: Playing for Kicks (Play Makers Book 5) by Kate Donovan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Donovan
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handle it.”
    His green eyes warmed. “Thanks for saying
that. But the point is, I should have just gone through with the
breakup. But she was so upset already, I didn’t have the
    Tess felt a dangerous tingle of sympathetic
attraction, which she countered by saying bluntly, “And meanwhile
you kissed Erica on the mouth. So there’s that.”
    “Did that bother you?”
    She glared. “Why would it bother me? I
mean, I was a bit flummoxed, but not bothered.”
    “Flummoxed, huh? I don’t think I ever did
that to a girl before.”
    She rolled her eyes. “Don’t sell yourself
    He chuckled, then leaned forward, serious
again. “So the thing with Erica is just an extremely close
friendship. She’s married to my best friend—my QB—so obviously it’s
    “Except your real girlfriend is
married too.”
    “No, Tess,” he protested. “I didn’t know
Kerrie was married when I got involved with her. That’s basically
what I wanted to tell you.”
    Relieved, she nodded. “You don’t seem like
the kind of guy who would date a married woman.”
    “Thanks. The trouble is, she has a twin
sister named Melody. And the night I got involved with her, I
thought she was the twin—Melody—who’s single. I didn’t realize the
truth until we had already gone so far, I couldn’t just walk away.
There were feelings there. Especially because she—Kerrie—was so
unhappy in her marriage and wanted out. So it didn’t feel right
just to desert her. She’s a nice person,” he added wistfully. “So
it got complicated fast.”
    Warning bells were making her head hurt, so
she said with finality, “Thanks for telling me, Sean. But it wasn’t
    “We both know it was.”
    “Stop saying that.” She sighed. “Twins? I can
see how that would get complicated.”
    “Yeah.” His jaw tightened. “And last night it
got even worse. Because Melody showed up at my house, and I thought
it was Kerrie, so I broke up with her . Crazy, right?”
    Tess stared. “Are you serious? Didn’t she
tell you she was Melody?”
    “She had an agenda. Because years ago, Kerrie
stole her fiancé, so Melody got the idea of paying her back by
sleeping with me.”
    “Wow.” Tess couldn’t help being drawn in.
“But instead of having sex with her, you broke up with her?”
    “It’s worse than that. I broke up with her,
then we had breakup sex. Then she tells me she’s Melody. So
suddenly, I’ve cheated on Kerrie with her twin, and the breakup
didn’t even count.”
    This was too much, so Tess demanded weakly,
“Did Johnny put you up to this? To pay me back for the Gator Guy
    “What?” His eyes took on a teasing sparkle.
“What’s the Gator Guy story?”
    “Never mind. Just please tell me you
didn’t have sex with your married girlfriend’s twin.”
    “I wish I could. So the point is, I’ve got to
do it all over again tomorrow. And on top of breaking up, I’ve got
to explain that I slept with her sister. Talk about a clusterfuck.
But after that, I’ll be legitimately single.”
    “Or dead.”
    He laughed. “Good point. So anyway .
. .” He stood and waited for her to do the same, then stepped
close to her. “I just wanted to get you up to speed.”
    “Why? No, wait! I don’t want to know.”
    He flashed a teasing smile. “Which is
    “Just go away, Sean,” she advised him as she
edged away. “And FYI, there’s no such thing as breakup sex. So bear
that in mind when you break up with one or both twins
    “What do you mean? Breakup sex is a real
    “You’re thinking of make -up sex.
Breakup sex basically cancels out the breakup. Lucky for you, the
breakup wasn’t real in the first place so it didn’t matter. But
someday it might. I mean, seriously, Sean.” She started laughing in
spite of herself. “ Breakup sex? What were you thinking?”
    He laughed too. “Thanks for being so cool
about it, Tess.”
    “Did I have a choice?” She

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