Play Me Real
tongue darting out to slide over the head of my cock before licking long and slow over its length.
    My breath slams out of me as every muscle in my body grows taut with need. I fight for control—over myself, over her—but there is none. Fighting to relax, but that’s impossible as her mouth skims over me. Sparks explode behind my eyes—clean and bright and almost as beautiful as Aria is.
    I reach forward, tangle my fingers in her hair. Tug sharply. She hums her approval and the answering vibrations make me quiver as they travel through my cock, down my thighs, over my stomach.
    “Aria.” Her name is all I can manage at this point, a guttural groan when what I really want to do is praise her. To tell her how beautiful she is. How much I want and need her. How I’d do anything for her.
    But I can’t speak. Not when she’s killing me—softly, slowly, without even a shred of mercy. And even if I could tell her how I feel, I’m not sure I would. Not when words like that, promises like that, make me vulnerable. Not when they take away the control I’m all but desperate for.
    Her mouth closes over the tip of my dick, tight and hot and so good that I nearly come right then. I tighten my fingers in her hair, pull her head back as I thrust slow and steady into her mouth, sliding so deep that I can feel her throat constricting around me.
    Aria moans then, long and slow, and the vibrations rock me to my very bones. They melt away the last of my resistance, the last of my tenuous hold on control, and I thrust deep into her mouth. Over and over again I pound into her, shoving myself down her throat, making her take more and more of me. Making her take everything I have and more.
    And she does. She takes it all, burning me alive with each silky glide of her tongue, each warm pull of her mouth. Again and again I thrust deep, again and again she takes me until I know that if I don’t pull out now I’m going to come before I ever get inside her.
    But as I start to pull her up and away, she presses herself against me, sucks me deep, mutters a protest deep in her throat. Her words are unintelligible, but the rhythm of them send shock waves from one end of my cock to the other. My heart slams against my chest and I thrust helplessly into her mouth.
    The need to come is urgent, the desire to empty myself into her mouth so intense that it shakes me to my very core. But at the same time, I don’t want this to end. I want to stay here, in this moment, connected to this beautiful woman forever.
    I thrust against her, watch as I slide in and out of her red, swollen lips. I do it again, long and slow and deep, then nearly come as she moans. I start to pull out—I’m so close that it won’t take much to send me over—but Aria just sucks me deeper. Runs her tongue up and down and around my dick in a rhythm that has my eyes crossing and my balls aching for relief. I’m on the brink now, orgasm threatening with every strangled breath I manage to pull into my lungs.
    Just when I’m ready to say to hell with it and come, she pulls off.
    “Fuck! What are you—” I pull on her hair, try to get her mouth back where it fucking belongs as agony rips through me, but she resists. Pulls back sharply against my hold.
    I let go instantly, not sure if this is some game she’s playing or if she really wants me to stop. Either way, I hold my hands up and wait to see what she wants, what she’s asking for.
    Aria pauses for a moment, licking her lips and watching me through her lashes. “Baby. Are you okay? What do you—”
    My voice breaks as she leans forward again, runs her tongue up and down my length in whisper-soft strokes that nearly make me insane.
    I jerk against her, every muscle in my body tightening as I lose all control over my body—and the situation. In these moments, I know that Aria is taking me as surely as I’m taking her, taking everything I have, everything I am. The knowledge nearly throws me over the edge once and for

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