Planning on Forever

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Book: Planning on Forever by Ashley Wilcox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashley Wilcox
Tags: General Fiction
mixed with orange juice, and is actually pretty good. Squeezing into the booth
     next to me, hot pants rests his arm on the back behind my shoulders.
     birthday,” he speaks softly in my ear, again making my body quiver. Is this
     seriously going to happen every time he talks to me?
     for the drink,” I respond, feeling my cheeks starting to blush.
     Nolan, by the way.” he introduces himself, using his other hand to shake mine.
     I reply as he leans down and kisses the top of my hand, making my body melt
     under his touch.
     chit chat, I’m ready to shake what my momma gave me.” Amanda stands up, waiting
     for people to move so she can get out of the booth.
     wanna dance?” Nolan asks, looking me in the eyes.
     yeah! “Sure.”
     my hand, he escorts me to the dance floor. In the beginning, we dance facing
     each other, not really touching, just joking and laughing. Taking my hand, he
     spins me around, and then dips me. Even though the style of music doesn’t match
     our style of dancing, we’re having fun, and couldn’t care less what the people
     around us think.
     you wanna go get another drink?” he yells in my ear over the music.
     we get to the bar the bartender greets us, ignoring all the other people that
     were here before us, taking our order first. After placing our drinks in front
     of us, she doesn’t ask for money, just winks and walks away; There’s no
     mistaking that he has the in here.
     we finish our drinks, he grabs my hand and pulls me back on to the dance floor.
     I’m definitely starting to feel a little tipsy at this point.
     on, let’s go” he says with a big smile on his face.
     time when we get out to the middle of the dance floor, he swings me around in
     front of him, holding me closely, and dancing exactly the style one would dance
     to this music. Grinding, he has one of his legs in between mine, and his hands
     on my hips. My hands are around his neck with our faces so close that I can
     feel his breath on mine. Staring at each other intensely, we focus on our
     dancing; hot, steamy, and full of attraction. Moving in closer, he presses his
     lips against mine, kissing me long, deep, and hard.
     his tongue touch my lips, I open my mouth, granting him permission to enter. He
     tastes delicious. A mixture of beer, cigarettes, and mint; the perfect bad boy
     blend. My fingers start creeping north to tangle in his hair and his hands move
     south to cup my rear.
     up for air, I lean my head back, and take a deep breath. Not only to fill my
     lungs with air, but to bring me back to earth, again. He takes this as an
     invitation to run his mouth down my neck, placing wet, hard kisses along the
     way. I let out a sigh of pleasure, loving the way his mouth feels pressed
     against my skin. He continues his trail of kisses until he reaches the top hem
     of my dress. I can feel my heart rate increase, and my breathing getting heavy,
     wondering what his next move will be.
     his next move is not what I’m expecting. After resting his forehead on my chest
     for a second, he pushes back off of me.
     think it's time for another drink,” he says, running his hand through his hair.
     yeah, that was freaking crazy hot!
     we approach the bar, I whisper in his ear that I have to use the restroom, and
     will be right back. I don’t really have to go to the bathroom, but I do need a
     moment to collect myself. I have a dozen different emotions running through me,
     and I am having a hard time understanding them all.

    – COLLIN –
     lifting, we decide to head back to my house and play some video games. Matt
     uses my computer to sign onto his Facebook account. I can’t remember the last
     time I signed into my own account. I think it is the dumbest thing. I couldn’t
     care less what people

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