Pieces of You

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Book: Pieces of You by J F Elferdink Read Free Book Online
Authors: J F Elferdink
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feelings at that time.
    “When I was sent home, I didn’t even try to describe what it was like, even when friends asked.
    “ I think you’d agree that only those who were there could possibly understand the horror; the fear, the adrenaline surges and the unlikely friendships.”
    Bob understood entirely.
    “If I had lived, I’m pretty sure I would have done what you did; worked very hard to put it behind me. When I first crossed over, I participated in some incredible discussions with former vets and activists.
    “ We actually had fun debating ‘ j ust w ar ’ vs. passive resistance. You wouldn’t believe how the inability to lie and the enhanced capacity for love changes your thinking!”
    Catching what sounded like a chuckle, Mark looked over at Zachri, wondering whether this was a sign that there was a lighter side to his angelic guide. As the image of a chorus of angelic hippies and war vets stomping to the tune of “ Kumbaya ” whil e chanting peace slogans flashed before Mark’s eyes, he laughed aloud.
    Immediately, the most outlandish thing happened; these spirit beings come to Earth to help Mark deal with some very serious issues, laughed too. When their mirth subsided, Bob gave Mark a brief version of their stance on violence.              
    “We are not to ignore evil acts or allow them to continue unchecked but must use our innate wisdom and courage to oppose brutality peacefully.”
    Bob went on.
    “It’s difficult for a great many people to condemn war when the media is constantly justifying militarism, cloaking acts of violence by using vagueness and euphemisms; words which ‘name things without calling up mental pictures of them.’ as 20th century British author, George Orwell, put it.”
    “I don’t understand how we can overcome violence if we don’t fight back with all that we have. Are we expected to roll over and play dead when we’re attacked? Maybe you can explain that, Zachri?”
    “Our liberation comes only through solidarity with others who have recaptured the innocence of children.
    “ As Jürgen Moltmann put it, in ‘The Disarming Child’, with wisdom, we can: ‘become as children: disarmingly defenseless, disarming through their defenselessness and making others defenseless because they themselves are so disarming.’”
    Mark thought about this for a moment before he responded.
    “That rings true but, where I live, the innocence of childhood is lost very young. Our children see lots of violence each day. The media is full of it. Janie told me about talking to kids in Detroit who’d seen friends and family murdered, sometimes over a pair of athletics shoes or a harsh word. I don’t see how their innocence can be restored.”
    Zachri replied.
    “ Young c hildren don’t automatically think of strangers as the enemy or instinctively require expensive possessions; they are taught to hate others and to crave non-essentials.”
    “I get it. Adults have to set a better example but how would this stop wars?”
    “You know, Mark. You’d heard of resolving conflicts through interaction, forgiveness and maybe even sharing; things that children pick up more easily than adults. You weren’t ready for that; you weighed the risks and decided against peaceable responses to offensives.”
    “O.K., I get it now. Could we finish my conversion quickly? I promised Janie I would celebrate Thanksgiving with her and my flight arrangements must be finalized by now.”

    Mark’s thoughts returned to the last time he had held Janine in his arms ; a lthough only three weeks earlier, i t seemed like an eternity.
    “I’m desperate to see her. Zachri . H ow is it possible to be happy where you exist now if you can’t experience sexual intimacy there?”
    “It’s impossible to put this in words to which men and women could fully relate but I will try to help you understand. It’s true that I don’t have

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