Phoenyx: Flesh & Fire

Read Online Phoenyx: Flesh & Fire by Morgana Blackrose - Free Book Online

Book: Phoenyx: Flesh & Fire by Morgana Blackrose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Morgana Blackrose
Tags: Erótica
hair-pulling spoiling the night.”
    “Thanks, but I’d better get home,” I said hastily, hoping to dissuade any unwanted pranks at my expense. After all, what could be more potentially terrifying than getting naked in front of hundreds of strangers in public? I didn’t even want to imagine what kind of nonsense they were contemplating. I looked around, still trying to locate my clothes, when it occurred to me that this was obviously a deliberate ploy and part of the secret scheme.
    “C’mon, I need to find my clothes,” I said. “Has anybody seen them?”
    “Oh, was that the bundle of stuff the cleaners threw out in the garbage earlier?” Gloria replied.
    “Very funny,” I said. “I can take a joke. But seriously, I need to get home, or my cat will shred me. Not to mention, make a mess all over the carpet.”
    Petra nodded at Gloria with a wink. “Better make this quick, then,” she said, and at that, both of them dashed forwards and grabbed me around the arms. Before I knew what was happening, I’d been hoisted up into the air and run out the door as if I was a sack of turnips.
    “Lana? A hand, please,” Gloria cried, and then Svetlana detached herself from the shadows of the lockers and stepped out in front of us, cracking her neck like a boxer about to enter the ring. A nasty grin uncoiled across her face like a bullwhip ready to strike.
    “Don’t worry, this won’t hurt a bit,” she told me. I didn’t believe her. She grabbed me by both ankles, yanked me up onto her shoulder and carried me back out to the main bar with Petra and Gloria still binding me by the arms.
    “What are you doing?” I begged as the house lights swam overhead in blurry streaks. Whatever it was, I knew I was not going to like it one little bit, and would seriously test my happy attitude towards my fellow performers.
    Then I realized I was being carried back up onto the stage.
    “Oh oh,” Melissa’s voice said over the PA as she turned in our direction, “looks like our ladies have decided to give our new start an impromptu encore. Gentlemen, ladies, perverts – and you bastards at the back who sneaked in without paying – won’t you give another big hand for our new blazing hot firebird, the wonderful Miss Phoenyx?”
    The band gave me a thunderous fanfare as I was brought up beside them, and deafening applause rang out. I craned my neck and twisted around to figure out what was going on, then realized I was looking back out at the audience. Now, all attention was focused entirely on me – stark naked, held shoulder-high, and totally helpless.
    Melissa appeared beside me with her microphone, like a television interviewer about to ask me a leading question on some political topic or other.
    “Phoenyx,” she said solemnly, “on behalf of us all and the Kitty Klub in general – we would like to welcome you warmly, and officially proclaim you our newest Kit.”
    “Uh, thanks,” I said, and was shocked when I heard my voice carry out over the PA. The crowd went wild. Some even yelled my name.
    Mel turned to the others. “Ladies? Let’s be having her, then.”
    Svetlana shrugged me up a little higher and dumped one of my ankles onto her other shoulder. Melissa stepped aside and pulled my other leg away, spread-eagling me in mid-air before the entire house. The whistles and whoops blared like a thousand trumpets as I was held there, legs wide apart and exposing my intimate details which had barely even gotten flashed during my earlier undressing of Olivia. My face and neck were already burning, and I could do nothing but bear the humiliation as she slid a hand up my inner thigh and poked two fingers just inside my labia, drawing my lips apart in full view of nobody but herself. And as she did so, I felt more naughty trickles of excitement drip out of me. Sometimes my body felt as if it had a mind of its own, completely independent of the lump of stewed cabbage that sat at the top of my neck, and governed by another

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