Phantom Warriors: Talon

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Book: Phantom Warriors: Talon by Jordan Summers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jordan Summers
didn’t like vampires. The whole undead thing was a real turnoff, so why had she enjoyed biting Talon so much?
    She glanced his way again. He truly was gorgeous. The fact that he was sitting on the shore staring at her like she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever laid eyes on, only made him more so in her mind. Lynn wanted nothing more than to rush over and fal into his arms. But she couldn’t, wouldn’t—at least not yet.
    Despite having intimate knowledge of his body, Talon was stil a stranger in so many ways. Lynn knew nothing about the man.
    Where did he come from? Did he have any family? What did he do for a living? What was he doing here in the Canyon? Did they have anything in common other than great sex?
    So what if it felt like she knew him. That was just her hormones talking. Everyone knew they couldn’t be trusted, when it came to making rational decisions. The last few hours were proof of that. Hormones were a bunch of slutty little Benedict Arnolds if you asked her.
    Lynn finished heating the chicken up, then dished it into two bowls. “Lunch is ready,” she said. Even though this was lunch and breakfast for her. She poured herself a cup of coffee, then held one out for him.
    Talon took the cup and the bowl, then sat down next to her.
    He sniffed the food, then asked, “What is this?”
    “Chicken,” Lynn said. “Sorry, I didn’t bring much of a variety.”
    Talon blanched, then took a smal bite. His face slowly turned green as he swalowed.
    Lynn laughed. She couldn’t help it. The look on his face was priceless. She half expected him to spit the food out, but his good manners prevented it. “You don’t have to eat it if you don’t like it.
    I’m sure I have a protein bar in my pack somewhere.” Talon looked relieved, then handed the bowl back to her.
    “Sorry, I’m afraid I don’t have much of a taste for fowl.”
    “That’s okay,” she said, then handed him the bar.
    He took it gingerly, then dug in, sipping the coffee as he ate.
    “This is realy good,” he said, holding up the cup. “What’s it caled?”

    Lynn blinked. Was he serious? She searched his face, but couldn’t find any humor hiding in his expression. She shrugged. “It’s just regular coffee.”
    “May I have more?” Talon asked.
    “Sure.” She refiled his cup.
    They ate in silence, each lost in their thoughts. Finaly Talon spoke. “What are you doing in the Canyon?”
    “I came here to check on my birds,” she said, placing the bowls off to the side.
    “Your birds?” he asked.
    Lynn smiled, happy to discuss something besides what was going to happen next. “I’m a ornithologist.” Talon frowned.
    “I’m a scientist who studies birds,” she said to clarify.
    His expression brightened. “That’s wonderful.” Lynn got the impression he’d been about to say something else, but she didn’t press. If Talon thought what she did for a living was boring, she could live without knowing the truth. “I’m part of a condor reintroduction program. We released two condors into the Grand Canyon last year and I’m here to see how they’re doing.”
    * * * * *
    That explained why she’d been perched on the cliff face, when he’d first spotted her in person. “And is your program a success?
    “Yes!” She beamed. “They’ve successfuly mated.”
    “How do you know?” he asked.
    She brushed her hands off on her pants. “I found their nesting site.”

    “Is that why you were up the side of the cliff?” he asked.
    She took a sip of coffee. “How did you know that I climbed one of the cliffs?”
    Talon kicked himself for saying too much. There was no way he should’ve known about the nest and her climb. After al he hadn’t been there. “Where else would birds nest in this rugged terrain?”
    She nodded, but he could practicaly see the questions forming behind those wide green eyes. “The nest looks sound and wil be a secure place to hatch a baby condor.”
    “Ah, yes, the egg,” he said

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