Persuading Him

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Book: Persuading Him by Michelle Dare Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Dare
Tags: Erótica, Romance, Sex, series, love, Erotic Romance
give a shit who sees us.”
    He would never do that in public, but the thought of it sent a thrill through me.  Radek was just as cautious with the public and press as I was.  We didn’t need to give them any more reason to run rampant with stories about us.

~ 9 ~
    When we returned to my house the photographers decided to stand right against my fence and now there were more of them.  A lot more.  I could feel my anger building.  I always expected a few, but the crowd that had gathered was insane.
    “Just ignore them,” Radek said when we started to pull up to the gate.
    “That is getting harder and harder to do.”  At night the flashes of light from the cameras were blinding.  Luckily, they moved out of the way so we could get to the driveway.  There weren’t many better moments than when you could close a gate, wind up a hill, and leave all of the chaos of the world behind.  Although, sometimes the chaos still found you.
    My phone started ringing and Kara’s name displayed on the screen.  I apologized to Radek saying I needed to take it.  “What’s up?”
    “Are you dating him?”
    “None of your concern.”
    Sighing, she said, “Listen, I know you don’t like getting hounded by the media.  Maybe if we give them something they will leave you alone for awhile.”
    “Ha!  That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard all day.”
    “It’s worth a shot.”
    “Let me talk to Radek and get back to you.”
    He must have heard my conversation, because he interrupted saying, “I’m fine with whatever you want to do.”
    My eyes squinted, irritated that he didn’t care.  I wanted him to say 'hell no, say nothing.'  Ugh!  “Fine, release a statement, but I get to review and approve it first.”
    “Deal.  I’ll send something over in twenty.”
    I disconnected the call and turned to my pilot.  “I can’t believe you agreed to make a statement.”
    Shrugging, he said, “You’re the one who said that you were okay with us.  Are you changing your mind?”
    I knew why he kept asking me, but that didn’t make it any easier.  It was like he didn’t believe that I was okay with it and kept waiting for me to walk away.  “No, not at all.”
    “Then what does it matter?  We give them something accurate rather than them speculating.”
    He had a point¸ even if I didn’t want to admit it.  I didn’t want to hide our whatever the hell the thing was between us, but I also didn’t want him to have to relive his past mistakes through the press.  Maybe I was being selfish.  They might talk shit about me because I’m with him, but he would be the one who is dragged through the mud.  My public persona had been perfect.  I wasn’t worried about the minor shit they could bring up about me.  Radek was what mattered.
    He went into my kitchen and started peering around inside of the refrigerator.  “What are you looking for?”
    Spinning to face me, he held up fresh strawberries and champagne.  “Dessert.”
    “Are we celebrating something?”
    “Good sex?”
    “Works for me!”
    My kitchen was very large and flowed with the rest of the house.  Tall ceilings with exposed wood beams, off-white quartz countertops, dark cabinets, and warm wood flooring.  All of the appliances were commercial grade and stainless steel as was the range hood.  Two wine refrigerators were built into the large center island.  The kitchen was beautiful, yet functional.
    Reaching into one of the upper cabinets, I withdrew two champagne flutes.  Radek filled them and we toasted the amazing sex we had.  He picked up a strawberry, leaned over the island, and placed it to my lips.  The burst of flavor that came through on the first bite made me close my eyes and moan.  So damn good.  Prior to me opening my eyes I felt his lips on mine, his tongue sweeping out to lick the juice left from the strawberry.  Every time he touched, kissed, even looked at me, I melted and that time was no different.
    Just as things

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