Perspectives, An Intriguing Tale of an American Born Terrorist

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Book: Perspectives, An Intriguing Tale of an American Born Terrorist by Jeffrey Shapiro Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jeffrey Shapiro
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away from his misery. He beat his body with physical exercise to overcome the depression and self pity threatening to engulf him over the loss of his son and his failing marriage. Every hour turned into a bitter rage. He obsessed on the people who had brought this suffering to his life and he woke every night, tormented by violent thoughts of revenge. He had become addicted to a couple of soap operas, and he watched his mind atrophy to the point where he wondered if he was still capable of the highly technical work he had once done. Apart from news reports that claimed the arrest of 6 operatives, he was clueless about the investigation into the July 15th attack. Mary had been back to work at her laboratory for over 2 months and she remained silent on her daily activity, leaving him only Carly and their after-school nanny Gretchen to talk with. Carly was getting better, speaking mostly to Jonathan, but she would occasionally shock him with gruesome questions about death.
    Jonathan visited a psychiatrist once a week and a physical therapist three times a week and finally, he was cleared to return to work. A week later, the long awaited call from PD McVay came.
    PD spoke with the warm voice of a friend, “Jonathan, this is PD.”
    “It’s good to hear your voice.”
    “Yours too, are you ready to come back?”
    “I’ve been ready for a couple of months. Been going a little stir crazy, if you know what I mean?”
    “Well we have a cure for that. I guess the Director told you that your new job would be a little different and why.”
    “Yes sir I’ve been around long enough to know the process.”
    “I’m detecting a little cynicism in your voice.”
    “Sorry, but it’s been a tough couple of months and I sorta know what’s coming and it’s not exactly my choice.”
    “You need to have a little more confidence in us than that. We’ve created a new position, Director of Special Operation Programs for you and I think it’s something that you’re going to like. It’s a promotion with nearly a $10,000 a year raise and your new pay will be $134,856.”
    “Thank you sir.”
    There was a slight hesitation. “Jonathan, the only issue is that the job is at Langley, so you are either going to have to re-locate or commute for the work week and be home on the weekends. We’ll support you either way. Of course if you decide to move, we’ll give you a nice relocation package, so there’ll be no hardship for your family. In the interim we’ll get you a government apartment and car so that you can commute home on the weekends.”
    “That’s very generous, thank you sir.”
    “No Jonathan, thank you! I’m not giving you anything that you haven’t earned many times over. Is Monday too soon to start?”
    “I’m ready this afternoon.”
    PD chuckled, “I’m glad you still have your sense of humor. I think you’re going to like what we have for you.”
    Jonathan hung up the phone and smiled.
    Mary seemed indifferent to the news that Jonathan was going back to work and that they might be separated for a while. Carly absorbed the situation and was noticeably saddened. In his excitement Jonathan hadn’t realized the sensitivity of his little girl until her tears began to flow and she quietly disappeared to her room. He caught up with her in her bedroom and sat next to her as she lay face down on the bed with a “death grip” on Bruiser” and her head buried in her pillow. He sat and started rubbing her back. She twitched and moved away.
    “Are you okay sweetie?”
    She started to sob.
    “Daddy has to go back to work. I’ll be home every Friday night and we’ll spend the weekend together.”
    She lay quiet and listened and then convulsed every few seconds, just to make sure he understood that she was upset.
    He tried a different angle, “And you can come see me.”
    She turned her head sideways so that he could see only half of her face. Her eyes were red from crying as she answered, “Bruiser and I want to come

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