Perspectives, An Intriguing Tale of an American Born Terrorist

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Book: Perspectives, An Intriguing Tale of an American Born Terrorist by Jeffrey Shapiro Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jeffrey Shapiro
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access to trace it, and learn more, and was tempted to hack into the agency mainframe, but decided against it. “That would have to be done by somebody else,” he thought. He scanned the remaining emails and saw nothing unusual, so he shut down the computer and saw that it was 3:20 p.m. and knew that Carly would be home from school. He went into the living room and saw Mary sitting on the sofa reading The Journal of American Medicine and Carly sitting across the room kneeling by one of her small play tables, reading her favorite book, The Velveteen Rabbit . Carly lit up the minute he entered the room and ran over to greet him. He reached down and pulled her into his arms and carried her over to the couch where he placed her on his lap as he sat next to Mary. Carly crawled up his chest and hugged his neck as if he had just come home from a prolonged trip. They had been sitting next to Mary for several minutes and he noticed that she hadn’t turned the page. He thought to say something or put his arm around her, but was afraid of the reaction, knowing that for there to be any hope of rebuilding their relationship, the initiative would have to come from her and every action would have to be on her terms. Instead he talked to Carly.
    “What are you doing right now, pudding pie?” he asked.
    She shrugged her shoulders.
    “Do you want to go out for a date with me?”
    “She nodded her head up and down,” she answered playing their usual game.
    “I was thinking that maybe we’d go to Del Frisco and have a steak this thick,” he held up his hand and separated his fingers a couple of inches.
    “She shook her head back and forth.”
    “Hey, I have an idea, let’s go to McDonalds for an ice cream.”
    Carly smiled.
    “McDonalds, you’d rather have ice cream than a Filet Mignon?”
    She gave him a big hug and whispered in his ear, “I like McDonalds.”
    Jonathan looked over at Mary and said, “Can you believe it, I want to take my date out for a $100 meal and all she wants is a 50 cent soft serve.”
    Mary gave him a disapproving glare and said, “It’s the third time this week. That food isn’t good for her.”
    “And neither is staying around here.”
    .”I’m going back to work next week and I’m afraid that you two are going to blow up like a couple of zeppelins.”
    Carly looked at her father and asked, “What’s a zeppelin?”
    “It’s a big balloon, your Mommy’s saying that we’re going to get fat.”
    “Will we float away?” asked Carly.
    “Ask your mother,” returned Jonathan. “Why are you going back to work so soon?”
    “Soon? I’ve been out for 6 weeks and I’m all out of leave, besides don’t you think it would be good to try to get our lives back on track.”
    Jonathan nodded. He knew that Mary was very unhappy and needed to re-engage, and was hopeful that she would snap out her depressed funk, forgive him and bring things back to the way they had been. It certainly wasn’t happening with her at home all the time.
    All intimacy had left their relationship and he could tell that she was using all her energy struggling through the pieces, determining if there was anything left that could be rebuilt. Carly didn’t make matters any better and seemed to harbor some deep seated resentment toward her that neither Jonathan nor her therapist could figure out. The agency had recommended professional marriage counselors who would work with them in the privacy of their home, but Mary felt that it was too soon to talk and time was needed to first stop the bleeding. Jonathan had no choice but to comply with her wishes.

Chapter 7
    It was 4 months before Jonathan returned to work at the CIA and he was happy to be out of the house and away from the doldrums of despair that made him as listless as a sailboat with no wind. Mostly he was frustrated! His mind raced continually, but he was completely constrained by the rules of the CIA and his inability to use any of the tools he needed to move

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