Permanent Resident at the Purse Table

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Book: Permanent Resident at the Purse Table by Keisha Bass Read Free Book Online
Authors: Keisha Bass
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    â€œOkay.” He fixed that mistake quick.
    â€œWe can have a nice dinner, a little conversation. Get to know each other better.”
    â€œSounds good.”
    â€œWonderful. I’ll set everything up and plan to pick you up about seven?”
    She grimaced. “How about we meet at seven?” He seemed to be moving at a jackrabbit’s pace.
    â€œOkay, no problem. I’ll call you Tuesday afternoon sometime, and let you know where to meet me.”
    She hung up the phone and went back to the apple. As she ate, she replayed the night on the dance floor and conversation she and Roderick had. He seemed cool, but she was nowhere near letting her guard down with him. She looked forward to the dinner date, but honestly wished it would be Eric sitting across the table from her.
    Searching her phone contacts for Ava’s name, she couldn’t wait to tell her about her date. Ava’s phone rang a couple of times and then went to voicemail.
    After she heard the beep, Toni left Ava a message. “Hey, girl, it’s me. I made it to Miami safely and now sitting here, relaxing in this beautiful room, or trying to anyway. I miss Eric. I know I shouldn’t, but I do. Plus, just made a date with Roderick. The guy from the club. I don’t know what I’m doing, but maybe he’ll be a good distraction. Call me back when you get the chance. Love you.”
    She placed her cell phone on the nightstand, finished the apple, and retreated to the bathroom to complete her nightly routine: wash face, brush teeth, floss, and apply anti-aging cream and moisturizer. The king-sized bed, complete with five pillows and a soft comforter, called her name. She looked forward to climbing in for a pampered night’s sleep. Plugging in her phone charger, she noticed a text message. The message read: Couldn’t wait ’til tomorrow to tell u I luv u. Miss u so much, Toni. Hope all is well. Always thinkn of u. Luv Eric.
    Eric had her on his mind as much as she had him on hers. And even though she had the divorce papers drafted and sitting on her desk at home in an envelope ready to be signed, she couldn’t bring herself to even open them. Toni loved him in spite of all of his mistakes and was still unsure that divorce was the road she wanted to travel down. Their connection, although blemished, was strong. She read the message two more times, cheesing from one ear to the other, then turned her phone on silent and went to sleep.

Chapter 8
    Ava, now on her third glass of Chardonnay, moved from the kitchen table to a soothing bathtub full of bubbles surrounded by candlelight. The Japanese cherry blossom aroma amused her nose and assisted in relaxing her muscles. Toni called earlier, but she let her voicemail do the work. Toni must’ve made it to Miami in one piece, but Ava wasn’t in the mood to divulge her and Xavier’s demeaning argument details and near-sex experience. Her friend would definitely have a thing or two to say about that. Ava would be sure to call her tomorrow.
    As she reached for her glass, her cell phone went off again. What is this? The party line? Her mother’s picture appeared on the screen, and since two weeks had gone by without Ava talking to her, she answered it.
    â€œHey, Ava. Hadn’t talk to you in a while.”
    â€œI’ve been busy, Momma. I was going to call you tomorrow and wish you a happy Valentine’s Day. How’ve you and Daddy been?”
    â€œWe’re blessed and highly favored. How are things with Xavier?”
    Ava’s head fell. She had a choice to make: lie and tell her everything was great and have a peaceful chat; or tell her the truth, and deal with her mother putting in her two cents. Who was she kidding? More like twenty-two cents. Ava had consumed enough wine to handle the conversation. “I guess he’s fine, Ma. I broke it off with him.”
    â€œYou did? Why?”
    â€œI don’t want to go

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