Perilous Waters

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Book: Perilous Waters by Diana Paz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Diana Paz
mission. I’m sorry.”
    “That’s all right,” Angie said, giving Julia a sideways hug. She glanced up at Kaitlyn. “Okay, then. What did you see?”
    “A gorgeous beach,” Kaitlyn murmured, her voice devoid of its hard edge as she forced memories of Dawn from her mind. “But if we end up in that future, this will be our last mission.”
    Julia’s brows knit together.
    “What do you mean?” Angie asked.
    “We die. Killed by pirates.”
    The other girls became stiffly silent. Even without their connection, Kaitlyn could feel the tension running through them like a taut violin string.
    Kaitlyn shifted on her cushion, tucking her feet beneath her as she went through the vision with them. Running on the sand, the pirates, the way they were killed… but what she had seen was only a single future, one of many that might not happen. There were hundreds of threads, each one a possibility. They had no way to know which of the paths they would follow until they were already on it.
    “We’ll need to be careful,” Angie said, getting up and heading for a bookcase.
    Kaitlyn watched Angie a moment. “Watching that possible future sucked, but I don’t think we need to worry. With our powers, there’s no way that will happen.”
    “I guess,” Julia said, finally releasing the lower lip she had been gnawing on. “What did you see, Angie? More ways we might die?”
    “No. I saw the Jolly Roger flying,” Angie said, coming back with several books. “I picked these up at the library after my vision showed me pirates.”
    “It’s cute that you still use books, I guess,” Kaitlyn said, taking her tablet from her purse.
    “I thought it would be good to have the books in front of us. Besides, I love the feel of pages between my fingers,” Angie said with a mousey little grin. “And this way it will be easier to look at multiple things at once. See? We can spread the books out in front of us.”
    Kaitlyn shrugged and went back to her tablet. “Last semester I did a research paper on pirates. The books I bought for it should still be here.”
    She slid her finger across the screen before glancing over at Julia, who lay sprawled out on the floor beside Angie. The two of them looked slightly adorable side by side, glancing through the pages of a giant book called The Golden Age of Piracy.
    What next, matching outfits?
    She waved her tablet, causing both of their heads to bob up. “Where’s yours, Julia?”
    “An iPad? I don’t have one,” she said, returning her attention to the book.
    “Laptop then?” she asked. When Julia shook her head Kaitlyn’s brows shot up. “How do you do your homework?”
    “I share my mom’s laptop.” Julia blinked up at Kaitlyn. “Wait. You actually do homework? I didn’t think you were into school.”
    “I’m in honors classes, dumb ass. Didn’t you ever wonder why Angie and I have the same classes, and you and I don’t?”
    “But, Angie is always studying. You never do.”
    “I’m fast at homework,” Kaitlyn said. “I remember things. I don’t need to study.”
    A small sigh escaped from Angie’s throat. “Julia doesn’t need to work out to stay thin, and you don’t need to study to get good grades. It’s like you guys have superpowers.”
    Kaitlyn couldn’t help smiling a little. “You do realize we all have superpowers.”
    This made Julia laugh. Kaitlyn felt a bubble of pleasure at the sound. Her own smile broadened, and she quickly returned her attention to her tablet.
    “Okay, the ships we saw were definitely pirate ships,” Angie murmured, toying with the end of her ponytail. “We need to narrow down an era and hopefully, a place.”
    “Once we get there we’ll kick demon ass, either way,” Kaitlyn said, sliding her finger across her screen. A wood-carved etching of a ship appeared on the next page. Massive sails billowed out, and at the head a mermaid graced the prow. “Did the ship look like that?”
    Angie glanced at the screen,

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