Perfectly Flawed

Read Online Perfectly Flawed by Shirley Marks - Free Book Online

Book: Perfectly Flawed by Shirley Marks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shirley Marks
Tags: Romance, Historical Romance, Love Story, Regency Romance
exertion. Lord Irving laughed between labored
gasps of air.
    Charlotte greeted her champion. "Lord Irving, when
you are ready, I await your arm, if you please."
    Lord Irving retrieved his clothing. He unrolled his
sleeves, pulled on his boots, and shrugged into his jacket, making himself presentable. Still breathing
heavily from the exertion of the race, he accompanied
Charlotte to the parterre to receive his well-earned prize.

    He smiled, eyes wide, anxious for his reward. Charlotte settled onto the stone bench and glanced up at him.
"Lord Irving?"
    "Yes, Lady Charlotte?" He brushed the dust from his
breeches and adjusted his gloves after slipping them on.
    "I have two bits of personal information for you."
Charlotte felt her face warm and glanced away. Whether
it was because she felt self-conscious about revealing
something personal to a near stranger or because she
was about to relay a bouncer, she could not be certain.
"Lord Irving, I have something to tell you."
    "Yes, Lady Charlotte." Lord Irving smiled, leaning
the slightest bit forward in anticipation.
    "A pleasant item." She smiled and tried to hold the
expression steady. And one bit of unpleasant news.
"Please, Lord Irving." Her throat tightened, making
speech difficult. She felt certain her problem was due to
the untruth that was about to pass through her trembling
    "Lady Charlotte." He held her hand fast in a firm grip
once again. "I beg of you, if such an admission causes
you discomfort, I suggest you do not-"
    "No, no ... I must continue. I promised. Your victory
has earned you the privilege."
    Lord Irving gazed at her expectantly, eager to have
an advantage over the other gentlemen.
    "I do not believe the news will be agreeable to you." She then suspected that Muriel had intended that to be
the outcome from the start. Still, it did not please Charlotte to disclose information that might be considered

    "Lady Charlotte," he whispered, moving closer until
he finally sat next to her on the stone bench. "I do not
believe there is anything about you that one could possibly find disagreeable."
    The tension in her shoulders relaxed at his words, and
she smiled. It was very kind of him to make her feel at
    "Please, I beg that you continue. Nothing about you
could ever displease me."
    "Very well." Charlotte cleared her throat. "Lord Irving, I have two items to divulge about myself. One,
both, or neither may benefit you." He remained quiet
and appeared eager to hear more. "Lord Irving, my
right eye ... has a tendency to wander."
    "W-wander, you say?" He did not exactly back away
from her at the discovery, but he did seem to stare at her
more pointedly.
    Charlotte prepared to perform her eye trick as she had
so many times for her siblings and stared at the yew over
his shoulder, allowing her right eye to pull to the side.
    He jerked back from her with every twitch of her eye.
"The eye is c-completely f-false, isn't it?"
    Noting the expected, horrified response Muriel had
anticipated, Charlotte felt quite dreadful for her deception. Tears moistened her eyes at her disappointment at
his reaction.

    "H-how long have you ... ?" He stood and brought
his hand to his chin as he considered what he had just
seen. "Never mind."
    "Lord Irving, I-" Charlotte discovered that he could
no longer face her.
    "I think it time that I must be going." He straightened and still could not address her directly. He bowed
and said, "Good day to you, my lady."
    "My lord, I have yet to tell you the other item. The
good bit" Silence ensued as he passed the stone bench
to take his leave.
    Charlotte called out to his retreating form, "My favorite color is robin egg blue."
    "I believe Lord Irving has left Faraday Hall," Muriel
informed her sister. She found Charlotte sitting on the
stone bench alone. Her hands were clasped, resting in
her lap, and her head was lowered in sorrow.
    "I have hurt him. I know it" Charlotte would never

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