Perfect Soldier: The Complete Story (5-Part BBW Military Romance Novel)

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Book: Perfect Soldier: The Complete Story (5-Part BBW Military Romance Novel) by Haley Nix Read Free Book Online
Authors: Haley Nix
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there, but on my final hand I ended up winning
big and cashed out. I had turned my $200 loss into a $500 gain for the night.
    I knew to take the money and run. I was lucky just
to be back above even. Besides, it was past 2:00 AM and I knew I didn’t have
the focus to keep playing a serious game.
    “Guys, I’m gonna call it quits for the night,” I
said, grabbing my chips so I could go cash out.
    “Damn man, you serious? You’re up big, why not let
it ride?” asked Garrett.
    “Because I know when I’m winning on luck and when
I’m winning on skill. Tonight is pure luck,” I said as I tapped my chips
against the felt of the table. “And luck can run out real quick.”
    “He’s got a point,” said Tyson. “I’m cashing out,
    “Damn, well I’m not sticking around here by myself,”
said Garrett. “What do you say we move this party to a strip club, eh? Who’s
with me?”
    “I’m tired,” I said. “I’m heading to bed.”
    “Aw c’mon, man. It’s Vegas.”
    “It’s just not for me.”
    “He’s thinking about that girl back home,” said
Tyson giving me a nudge. “Cat, the bartender.”
    “You can’t be serious. You’re letting a girl ruin
out Vegas trip?” said Garrett. He seemed annoyed with me.
    “You guys can go. It’s not my thing. Even if I
wasn’t with Cat, I didn’t come here for that type of debauchery. I came to win
money. Now, I’ve won some money tonight. I’m calling it quits before I lose
    “Oh, so you’re with her now? When did this
happen?” asked Garret accusingly.
    “I misspoke. I don’t know if we’re together. I guess
we sort of are. Anyway, what’s it to you? It’s not stopping you from going to a
strip club. Here,” I said, handing him a $100 bill. “Have a lap dance on me.”
    “Alright, alright. I’m done hassling you, buddy.
Keep your money. I get it, man. She seems great. I’d probably do the same in
your position,” said Garrett.
    “We are still going to a strip club, right?”
asked Tyson.
    “Of course we are.”
    “Alright, then. Enjoy it, boys. Don’t waste all your
money. It’s always better playing on the winnings of the night before,” I said
as we shook hands.
    I left them there, walking out of the casino and
into the lobby where I took the elevator up to our room. I figured I’d watch a
little TV as I fell asleep. I never cashed out my chips, realizing I could just
use them tomorrow. I truly hoped that the guys would have fun tonight, but for
me that just wasn’t the life.
    I didn’t know whether or not Cat and I were actually
together or what the future had in store for us, but I was willing to give it a
chance. As I lay there in bed I reached over for my phone on the nightstand to
text her. It was just something simple: Hope your day went well. Goodnight .
Just something to let her know I was still there.

    I woke up Tuesday to a text from Colt, just him
saying goodnight and that he hopes I had a good day. The timestamp was past
2:30 AM. Of course, I’d fallen asleep long before them, completely wiped out
from my day of class and studying.
    My last classes had been low key. The professors had
reviewed material and given us some good hints about what to expect for the
exam. They also gave us study guides that made my life supremely easier over
the days that followed. It’s not that it made the material simpler to grasp or
remember, but at least it allowed me to focus my efforts in the right places.
    The next few days were a whirlwind. Nearly every
hour outside of work was spent studying for exams. The only time I relaxed was
when I allowed myself a solitary glass of wine each night, which I drank while
watching a bit of TV to unwind. Exhausted as I was, I found myself falling
asleep on the couch, TV on and glass of wine still half full. Whenever this
happened, I’d get up, move to the bed, and crash for the rest of the night.
Then I’d wake up and do it all over

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